If you're looking to find out how much you can borrow, what your mortgage repayments might be, or how much you could be earning with Squirrel investments, you've come to the right place.
Give our calculators a whirl.

Investment returns calculator
How much could I be earning with Squirrel?
Calculate how much interest you could be getting paid every month. It all adds up!
*This calculator is intended as a guide for illustrative purposes only and is not intended to provide financial advice. It assumes that the amounts entered are invested for the entire period selected and the returns are based on the interest rate selected. The calculation results do not take into account taxes that may be applicable to you (including withholding tax). Please note that interest rates offered on our platform are subject to change and our minimum investment amount is currently $100. To talk to one of our team at Squirrel, please call 0800 21 22 30 or you can find more information about P2P investing here. We recommend seeking financial advice about your situation and goals before investing into any financial product.
Mortgage calculator
How much can I borrow for a house?
Tell us a little about your financial situation and we'll work out how much you could borrow towards purchasing a home.
Mortgage repayments calculator
What will my mortgage repayments be?
Work out your regular repayments and how quickly you could pay off your home loan.
Homeowners Loan repayment calculator
What will my homeowner’s loan repayments be?
Work out your regular repayments and how quickly you could pay off your personal loan.