Learn how to master your mortgage with our handy guide

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Little tweaks to your mortgage could save you tons in the long run

The amount of interest homeowners pay over a standard 30 year loan term is - quite frankly - sickening.

The good news is there are lots of small things you can do now that can make a difference, saving you thousands, over time and ultimately helping you get mortgage-free faster.

Download our handy guide to find out how you can get back in the driver's seat and make your mortgage work for you.

Our guide is jam-packed with hacks and strategies to help you save tons and get mortgage-free faster

Start mastering your mortgage

Our top tips at a glance

  1. The “best” refix strategy will change depending on where
    rates are, and where they’re headed.
  2. In the long-run, fixing for 1 to 2 years is pretty much always
    your best bet.
  3. Refinance your mortgage every 3-4 years to make the
    most of cash backs.
  4. Break fees can be substantial if interest rates fall, so avoid
    fixing long term at the top of an interest rate cycle.
  5. If you’re making monthly payments, halve the amount
    and pay it fortnightly.
  6. Make small incremental increases in your loan
    repayments whenever you can.
  7. Revolving credit facilities can help you pay off your
    loan faster.
  8. Plan ahead, and consider splitting your loan across
    several fixed terms.

Find out more about how you can get your mortgage working better for you.

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