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24 June 2024

What is non-bank lending, and is it right for me?

New Zealand's non-bank sector has grown rapidly in recent years, offering great alternatives to traditional lending options - especially for good borrowers who don't fit bank criteria. Here's what you need to know about the different non-bank loan options out there.

19 March 2024

A submission to the Reserve Bank on proposed DTI limits

The Reserve Bank recently asked for feedback on a new set of lending restrictions - DTIs - it's looking to introduce later this year. Here's what the team at Squirrel had to say as part of our submission.

29 May 2023

What will it take to create greater competition in banking? It’s not another bank

The Kiwi banking sector has come under some pretty heavy scrutiny in recent months, as uniformity and a lack of competition between key players has allowed bank profits to soar (and keep on soaring) at the expense of their customers. So, what's the answer? Well, Squirrel's Dave Tyrer reckons it's not another bank.

18 July 2022

New loan option helping Kiwis level up on household sustainability

If you’ve been thinking about making a few tweaks and upgrades to get your household on that sustainability buzz, ANZ have just launched a brand spanking new loan product which could help you do it.

14 June 2022

The dangers property investors face by having all their eggs in one basket

For those who have strayed down the treacherous path of having all your loans with one bank, the consequences have started to bite.

11 March 2022

Cheers to that! CCCFA review brings much-needed (and hard fought) change

It's been a nerve-wracking wait on findings of the Government's review into crippling CCCFA law changes - but the announcement brings good news for the Kiwi borrowers, and the industry.

10 March 2022

How to get yourself (and your finances) ready for a home loan

When it comes to your home loan application, getting your finances in tip-top shape will always be an important part of setting yourself up for success. And these tips are a great starting point.

06 December 2021

Government law change will cause more harm than good for homeowners

Sign JB's petition. The Government has made changes to responsible lending laws to protect vulnerable borrowers, but they have used a sledge hammer instead of a scalpel. This is an example of over reach, and will cause far greater harm to Kiwi homeowners and small businesses than it will protect vulnerable borrowers.

13 May 2019

Commercial and development pricing explained

Working with development and commercial property funding, price is often an obstacle that I come up against. Many people have little understanding of how risk-based pricing works, and it can come as a bit of a shock when pricing is uncovered.

26 March 2019

Is 2019 the year that the speculative land bubble pops?

When it comes to property, the risk is that borrowers (and speculators in particular) think tomorrow will be better than today and don’t act. Watching a speculator in action is like putting a frog in water and gradually increasing the temperature. The frog never jumps out.

08 March 2019

Mortgage Broker Commission

At a superficial and generally uninformed level, it’s easy to have an opinion on mortgage broker commissions. It’s also easy to have an opinion when you have a vested interest as banks do, and yes, I do too.

06 March 2019

How responsible lending may affect property investors

The Hayne Report was released in Australia recently, and brought about some stern recommendations for the lending sector. The standards have been put in place for the best interests of New Zealanders, however, like anything that is done by the government, they can often carry unforeseen circumstances. Let's take a look at how property investors could be affected.