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22 June 2023

Housing market shows signs of life

First home buyers are returning to the market despite higher mortgage interest rates. Even so, there is still no sign of a lift in buying by investors. So will 2024 shape up to be a good year for buyers?

16 June 2023

Market update: And with that, it's official

The Reserve Bank said it'd take get us here, and with the latest GDP figures released this week, New Zealand is officially in recession. In his latest market update, JB shares his thoughts on what's to come in the economy, and with interest rates and the wider housing market.

13 June 2023

Green shoots in the housing market are continuing to grow

There is an increasing number of signs pointing to a turnaround in the housing market, and quite possibly even gains in house prices and sales. However, the question remains: What factors are driving this shift to happen sooner than anticipated?

06 June 2023

Rodney's Ravings: High immigration won't be a magic fix for labour shortages

There's a lot of debate happening right now as to whether rising immigration will be a force for good, or evil, when it comes to easing pressure on New Zealand's too-tight labour market. While many (the Reserve Bank included) are claiming it'll be a positive - a look back at history would seem to suggest otherwise.

24 May 2023

OCR analysis: Finally, we've hit the peak

The Reserve Bank has today pushed through a 0.25% increase to take us from 5.25%, up to its peak forecasted OCR of 5.50% - while also making it clear we've hit peak rates for this economic cycle.

23 May 2023

Another OCR hike is not what we need: An open letter to Reserve Bank Governor Orr

There’s a pretty unanimous sense across the financial markets right now that there's another Official Cash Rate (OCR) hike in store for us this week. Chief Squirrel, David Cunningham, says that's the last thing we need.

19 May 2023

Market update: Stabilising forces tempt more (and more) buyers off the fence

Between a weakened construction sector, increasing migration and more businesses starting to retrench (both of which are helping to ease pressure in the job market), there are lots of signs out there to indicate that inflation’s coming under control. So, will there be another OCR increase?

18 April 2023

Is the construction boom coming to an end?

With a great number of construction related businesses going into liquidation every week, negatives dominate in the house building sector and buyers need to apply extra caution as they contemplate getting a house built.

11 April 2023

Rodney's Ravings: Economists are a threat to your financial wellbeing

Even some of NZ's smartest economic minds hadn't picked that this latest spike in interest rates would be quite as swift and brutal as it's been. But according to Rodney Dickens, the writing was on the wall for all to see - so why weren't Kiwi borrowers warned?

05 April 2023

OCR & Market update: Winter is here, but the (slow) thaw is on its way

Earlier today, the Reserve Bank made its second Monetary Policy announcement of 2023, opting to push through another double increase, and take our Official Cash Rate (OCR) from 4.75% up to 5.25%. So what does this latest OCR outcome mean?

17 March 2023

Migration and the Silicon Valley Bank collapse

Two new interesting things of relevance to the NZ residential real estate market have happened over the past fortnight: Firstly, a striking turnaround in migration flows into New Zealand and secondly, the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank.

08 March 2023

Rodney's Ravings: History suggests a recession is inevitable, and it could be a double dipper

Can the Reserve Bank get the balance right, bringing inflation under control without taking it too far, and sending us hurtling for a hard landing? Rodney Dickens says, if history's anything to go by, the chances aren't good.