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24 June 2024

What is non-bank lending, and is it right for me?

New Zealand's non-bank sector has grown rapidly in recent years, offering great alternatives to traditional lending options - especially for good borrowers who don't fit bank criteria. Here's what you need to know about the different non-bank loan options out there.

11 October 2019

The Emergence of the Non-Bank

I've been amazed by the growth I've seen in the non-bank lending sector over the last 18 months, and I see this trend continuing, for a number of reasons.

26 March 2019

Is 2019 the year that the speculative land bubble pops?

When it comes to property, the risk is that borrowers (and speculators in particular) think tomorrow will be better than today and don’t act. Watching a speculator in action is like putting a frog in water and gradually increasing the temperature. The frog never jumps out.

04 December 2018

Tips for funding a development

We're covering off some quick things to look out for when doing a development so you don’t get caught high and dry. I'll talk GST, development costs, two key ratios and second tier lenders.