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11 June 2024

Opinion: The RBNZ has crossed a line with its new DTI limits

Ask the RBNZ, and it'll tell you it's putting DTIs in place to address concerns around affordability, and keep our financial system nice and stable. But Squirrel founder, JB, reckons the new rules are a ruse for the RBNZ to meddle where it shouldn't be - in wider housing policy.

10 June 2024

NZ property market update – June 2024

Between an OCR announcement, Budget 2024, and a bunch of other changes, it's been a huge month in New Zealand's property market. Squirrel founder, JB, explains what's been happening — and what it means for Kiwi homeowners - in his latest property market update.

08 May 2024

Job worries take centre stage

At a time when more vendors are appearing, buyers are backing away. And it's not because of increased worries about interest rates or access to credit. Instead, worries about job security have taken centre stage.

21 March 2024

Market update: Economic pain will be borrowers’ gain (eventually)

New Zealand economic data has painted a pretty sorry picture in recent months. But bad news for the economy will eventually be good news for Kiwi mortgage borrowers when it comes to the future of interest rates.

18 December 2023

Market update: Tough talk from the RBNZ, but are rate falls on the cards for 2024?

Wholesale rates are one of the big drivers of bank mortgage rates — and in the last eight weeks or so, they’ve fallen about 0.7%. It’s a significant drop, which means they’re now back down to roughly where they were a year ago. So what does this mean for borrower interest rates?

21 November 2023

Market update: After months of turbulence, a sense of stability returns (for now)

It feels pretty clear we're at the top of the current interest rate cycle. But with one more Official Cash Rate announcement to come for the year, what are the expectations for interest rates come 2024?

06 October 2023

Why continued high interest rates aren’t all bad news

The Reserve Bank is holding the OCR steady at 5.50%, and after rumblings from parts of the market that suggest we could be in for another hike, most economists are now predicting the OCR will remain at 5.50% through much of 2024. It’s not the news that Kiwi mortgage-holders were hoping for, but how can Kiwi benefit from higher interest rates?

01 September 2023

Market strengthening continues

Young buyers are back in the market after being encouraged by lower house prices, greater listings numbers, higher deposits after 2-3 years of holding back from buying, a view that interest rates have about peaked, and a strong labour market bringing rising wages and high job security. So have investors joined them, and is FOMO back?

18 August 2023

Market update: OCR stable at 5.50%, but Kiwi are holding their breath for election day

Sticking to the path it laid out for us in July, the RBNZ has opted to hold the OCR steady at 5.50% - and they're saying it might be 2025 before rates start to come down again. But global uncertainties, deflationary forces in China and the upcoming election has everyone holding their breath.

13 June 2023

Green shoots in the housing market are continuing to grow

There is an increasing number of signs pointing to a turnaround in the housing market, and quite possibly even gains in house prices and sales. However, the question remains: What factors are driving this shift to happen sooner than anticipated?

04 May 2023

Job done: Why the monetary policy tightening cycle is over

We’re only 0.25% off the Reserve Bank’s (RBNZ’s) forecasted peak OCR – so will Kiwis be hit by other OCR hike, or have interest rates in New Zealand already peaked for this economic cycle?

03 March 2023

Will investors follow first home buyers?

Investors largely remain concerned about interest rate levels and access to bank finance. So when will they return to the housing market, and what will be the catalyst?