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10 July 2024

Rodney’s Ravings: God was having an off moment when he decided we needed economic forecasters

Every quarter, the NZIER surveys a bunch of economic forecasters—from some of our largest financial institutions—to get their predictions of what's in store for our economy. Now, we know even the experts get it wrong sometimes, but how can they be getting it *this* wrong?

18 December 2023

Rodney’s Ravings: Why a recession is taking its time to eventuate

In late 2022, the RBNZ warned it would need to tip New Zealand into recession in order to get inflation under control. And yet, despite all the rate increases Kiwi borrowers have endured, so far, that promised recession is yet to eventuate. Squirrel guest blogger, Rodney Dickens, explains why that is.

19 September 2023

Rodney's Ravings: Beware politically biased business confidence surveys

The results of ANZ's business confidence survey have been tracking upwards in recent months — but does that have more to do with what we're expecting from election day, than it does with the actual state of our economy? Rodney Dickens explains in his latest article.

12 July 2023

Rodney’s Ravings: Why the recession will be much worse for some firms than others

The next little while is going to be tough going for a lot of Kiwi businesses, but goods manufacturers and raw materials suppliers are in for a particularly rough ride. Squirrel guest blogger, Rodney Dickens, explains how being hit by falling buyer demand on multiple fronts will mean a harsher recession for these businesses than most.

16 June 2023

Market update: And with that, it's official

The Reserve Bank said it'd take get us here, and with the latest GDP figures released this week, New Zealand is officially in recession. In his latest market update, JB shares his thoughts on what's to come in the economy, and with interest rates and the wider housing market.