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21 June 2024

Could relocatable homes be right for your next development project?

With the cost of construction as high as it is, more and more developers are finding relocatable homes to be a really affordable alternative to building new. Here's what you need to know if you're thinking about using relocatables for your next development project.

25 April 2024

Property investors reveal their top concerns

Despite hopes of interest rate declines, booming population growth, and changes in tax rules, fewer investors are looking to make another property purchase. So why is this the case?

27 March 2024

The housing construction decline is causing headaches

Building costs have shot up by a whopping 40% over the last 3-4 years, and when you throw in sky-high interest rates and hurdles from the Resource Management Act, developers and home buyers alike are dealing with a real headache.

13 March 2024

Rising listings: Construction's got some hurdles to jump

Many Kiwi who had been holding off selling their properties are now putting them up for sale. But with plenty of existing properties entering the market, the outlook has just darkened further for developers of multi-unit complexes.

19 July 2023

Are house prices "about right"?

Word on the street is that house prices have finally hit "sustainable" levels, after 18 months of significant falls. But are they really "about right"? Chief Squirrel, David Cunningham, digs into the data to tell us whether house prices really are where they need to be.

21 December 2022

Falling house construction over 2023

Stories of builder collapses alongside high financing costs have made people step back from signing up for a new property. Presales for developers have shrunk and many projects are now being put on hold.

12 October 2022

Rodney's Ravings: Seldom has residential building been more important

With sentiment across New Zealand's residential building sector at a new low right now, what are the implications for our construction sector, and the wider economy?

26 May 2022

The house construction cycle explained

Development companies have been recently finding that client enquiries are falling away. People can see prices falling so will naturally feel the longer they wait perhaps the cheaper the construction cost will be.

22 April 2022

Are new builds still a good investment in the changing market?

New builds can be a great option for investors and first home buyers alike - and if you’re considering buying off plan, there are a few things to keep in mind to help you buy well.

13 November 2020

House price boom turns to construction boom

Growing house construction is a substantial boom for the economy through extra business for materials manufacturers and distributors, architects, inspectors and so on.

26 October 2020

How to earn better returns by investing in residential mortgages

Earlier this year we launched our P2P Home Loans and Business Property Loans that give investors access to residential first mortgage investments with returns of up to 5% p.a. As interest rates have fallen, investors are looking for better returns.

05 December 2018

Squirrel HomeBuild – The Smart Way to Build

As New Zealand’s leading mortgage broker, Squirrel has engineered a new financial product called Squirrel HomeBuild that makes building a new home simpler, and without the traditional hassles associated with building.