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26 January 2016

What makes a successful investor

Whether you are setting out to buy just one property, or you want to own a bigger portfolio than any other property investor in the country, there is one thing that above all else you must know in order to be successful and that is your WHY.

18 January 2016

3 tips for making the most of your equity

So you've bought your first home. What next?

13 January 2016

What does an effective renovation look like?

If you're buying investment property, sometimes renovations can be a great way to get the most out of it. The right additions can increase the base value of the home, as well as boost its appeal to prospective tenants. It's like killing two birds with one stone (or one marble countertop!)

06 January 2016

What's changing for New Zealand landlords?

Being a landlord means taking on a certain set of responsibilities. The NZ government just passed a new set of laws that will impact how you handle a rental property.

13 December 2015

Should I fix now (even if I need to break a fixed mortgage)?

Some bank economists are talking of further rates cuts so there shouldn't be a rush to fix just yet. I think now is the right time to be fixing your mortgage on to longer term fixed rates.

30 November 2015

Getting your investment structure right

I have been approached by a number of existing ‘buy and hold’ investors wanting to change their strategy. They want to start trading and developing property. But, they have no idea where to begin.

11 November 2015

Is it time to be conservative?

I’ve been saying for some time that we are living in a period of unusually high economic risks. How you plan around those risks will determine how you come out the other side when we go through the next big market correction.

10 November 2015

Auckland temporarily a buyer’s market

We tend to get a feel for what is happening in the market well before the media and have been calling this a buyer’s market for 3-4 months now. The media is slowly catching up.

02 June 2015

Property development - when things don’t go to plan

Here I am almost three and a half years into my first decent size property development. Although the end is in sight, it has been painfully slow, like watching paint dry.

07 April 2015

Why I'd fix for 3 years

The Auckland housing market has predictably heated up again this year off the back of strong immigration, low interest rates, and rampant speculation.

27 February 2015

How much could you save?

Whilst you don’t want to be paying more than you can afford, increasing your mortgage payments by as little as $10 per week can save you as much as $25k over the life of your loan.