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12 September 2022

Market update: Has buyer confidence started its slow return?

The market's been undeniably slow in recent months, but between stabilising interest rates and greater choice, buyers are starting to dip their toes in once more.

09 September 2022

The non-bank solution: Where do property investors turn when the banks say no?

Bank servicing requirements have become increasingly difficult to pass in recent months, causing all sorts of chaos for property investors caught short when it comes time to buy or sell. So, where do you turn when traditional lenders say no?

08 September 2022

Rodney's Ravings: The case for a market-led fall in interest rates

Recent interest rate hikes have hit the economy, hard. While the Reserve Bank forges on with aggressive OCR increases, the market is reading the signs.

12 August 2022

Market update: Are mortgage rates finally starting to settle?

This month's housing market update brings reassurance for those feeling panicked about where interest rates could end up, and highlights opportunity for prospective home buyers.

10 August 2022

Why it's not all doom & gloom for first home buyers who bought at 2021's market peak

Anyone who'd just got their foot on the property ladder when the market started to turn will be feeling rough after the last few months - but it's not all bad news.

04 August 2022

Three big factors behind softening house prices set to ease by the end of this year

I’ve just released the results of my latest survey and the numbers are not much changed from where they were at the end of June. Buyers remain in the shadows and prices are falling all around the country.

15 July 2022

Kāinga Ora & CCCFA: What the latest changes mean for first home buyers

The long-awaited return of choice to the housing market isn’t the only good news for first home buyers to be feeling positive about right now - changes to Kāinga Ora First Home schemes and CCCFA legislation add to the good news.

07 July 2022

Have we entered the end game for falling prices?

I saw a newspaper headline recently along the lines that house prices have now bottomed out because some banks have cut their two year fixed mortgage interest rates. But interest rates aren't the only factor causing house prices to go down.

16 June 2022

Making sense of the current market as a first home buyer

So, the tables have turned and we've finally entered a buyer's market - but how do you navigate the apparent minefield of increasing mortgage rates and falling house prices?

16 June 2022

Market update: The nuance beyond the media headlines

Between all the news of increasing interest rates and falling house prices, it's an intimidating market to be in right now. But what aren't the headlines telling us?

31 May 2022

Investing and inflation: When being “conservative” doesn’t pay

After many years in a KiwiSaver Growth Fund, I switched to a Conservative Fund a couple of years ago. It felt like a smart move at the time, but man, hindsight’s a wonderful thing.

07 April 2022

Market update: House prices take a hit, but do they have further to fall?

With so many different forces playing out in the market right now - interest rates, inflation, the border reopening - how far might they go?