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17 June 2016

Adviser insight: It's not all about rate

Property investment is quickly becoming one of the most popular means of building wealth across New Zealand - and there's certainly no lack of reasons to start looking into the venture

27 April 2016

Property transactions are about to get that much easier

Property transactions in New Zealand are, in theory, a relatively simple affair. However, in reality, the process can become a lot more involved than that.

26 April 2016

Practical advice for property investing in 2016

It isn’t always easy to release equity when selling property. Leverage combined with lack of cash flow is the biggest risk for investors and it materialises quickly.

15 April 2016

3 tricks to keep your energy bill down

A home loan can be difficult to budget around at the best of times, let alone when the cost of living rises. So here are some tips for keeping your energy bill down.

29 March 2016

Client services team changes the way you get mortgage advice

As the property market keeps on rolling, Squirrel seems to have more and more people coming in for mortgage advice all the time.

29 February 2016

Pay the expert!

Unless you have studied Law, Accounting, Real Estate, Property Valuing and Finance then chances are you are not an expert in all these areas, and it may even be possible that you aren’t an expert in ANY of these areas. Don’t worry, you aren’t alone with this.

22 February 2016

How are you heating up your investment property?

If you're a property investor or thinking about making that leap, you'll need to know all about the latest property legislation meaning landlords will have to install appropriate insulation.

04 February 2016

What to do when you're buying at auction

Understanding how to get ahead at auction is a skill many New Zealanders will have to learn.

04 February 2016

What is overcapitalisation?

Adding rooms or features to your home can boost your value when capital gains aren't as strong as you'd like them to be. But with every reward, there are a few risks. One issue you need to keep an eye on if you've decided to renovate is overcapitalisation. But what exactly is this?

04 February 2016

How long do tenants stick around?

How long will tenants stay at your property? While leases might only last a year, often a good renter-landlord relationship can result in a renewal, and none of the stress of picking new people to move in.

02 February 2016

Market insight: What's happening with Chinese investors?

In the last year there's been so much talk about foreign investors, both good and bad, true and untrue. It's easy to get in a panic about people you're rubbing shoulders with in the race to buy a home.

02 February 2016

Are there going to be changes to financial advice laws?

We're happy to admit it: financial advice can be pretty confusing.