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23 June 2020

Beyond 2020 | The next Housing Boom

After a short hiatus and a 5%-10% fall in house prices, I’m going out on a limb given the current market pessimism and predicting we will stretch into what might be the last great housing boom. Here's why.

21 April 2020

LVR restrictions could be getting scrapped

The Reserve Bank of New Zealand has announced a proposal to remove loan-to-value-ratio (LVR) restrictions and it could be a game changer for the housing market, especially those who are trying to get into their first home.

20 April 2020

Buying a home after lockdown - what you need to know

This article is split into two sections. We’ll first explore the supply and demand issues, and secondly get into some tips and tricks to consider. So, what drives the housing market and what does that mean post COVID-19?

21 February 2020

Mortgage rate and housing market forecast 2020

Interest rates are still low and the housing market seems to be thawing out after a slow 2019. That said, the latest uncertainty comes in the form of Coronavirus and what impact it could have on the economy. Here's a roundup of our views.

13 November 2019

Green Shoots? A housing market update

During the global financial crisis, eternal optimists always looked for green shoots. There’s no better time to look for green shoots than spring, so what’s going on?

26 September 2019

House prices - where to from here?

For the past thirty years there has been a strong correlation between property prices and interest rates. As interest rates fall, property prices go up. So, as interest rates continue to fall, property prices could potentially increase further. My view is that won’t happen.

13 September 2019

Should I rent or buy my first home?

It’s easy to get caught up in the news headlines and neighbourhood chatter about what’s happening in the property market. Everyone you know will have an opinion on whether you’re better off buying your first home or continuing to rent, and it can be hard to sort fact from fiction.

16 May 2019

What to know when buying or selling a leaky house

This article is written for prospective homebuyers, but it is also an important reference point for leaky owners trying to sell. Plaster houses are harder to sell and will sell for 10%-15% below what an equivalent weatherboard house would sell for.

29 April 2019

Developers: know your target audience

As any developer will know, banks across New Zealand have dropped a couple of belt sizes in the recent years. They’ve moved rapidly from the binge eating of the 5 or so years between 2011 and 2016 straight onto the no-sugar diet. Let’s just hope it doesn’t lead to a sugar crash!

26 April 2019

Is now a good time to buy property in New Zealand?

When prices are going up, everyone seems happy to pay ever increasing prices and nobody questions whether or not it is a good time to buy. Conversely, when prices are falling everyone sits on the fence waiting for the market to pick up.

25 March 2019

March 2019 - New Zealand housing market update

Housing markets typically move in cycles – often referenced as the ‘property clock.’ Anyone with an interest in property sits around guessing what time it is. If you observed the clock over the past thirty years, it has largely worked out, but right now reading the property clock is getting harder.

06 December 2018

What’s up with Australian House Prices and what does it mean for NZ?

Sydney has had a decline of 9.50% in property prices since they peaked in July last year, and Melbourne is not far behind with a drop of 5.80%. Technically anything more than 5% is considered a crash, so are Australian house prices really crashing and should we be worried in New Zealand?