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08 December 2022

Reserve Bank causes shock throughout the nation

With the Reserve Bank's predictions of a recession, an unemployment rate of 5.7% and high inflation, businesses and consumers alike have had to sharply rein in their spending plans on everything but groceries, including housing. But will the fear pass with time, or simply worsen?

05 December 2022

Rodney's Ravings: The Reserve Bank is a major source of instability

Our unemployment rate tells us a lot about how the Reserve Bank is doing on its mission to keep inflation under control - and looking back at the numbers, it's not exactly a glowing picture.

23 November 2022

Interest rates to go even higher after OCR hike

Over the past year or so we have seen a decline in the number of properties sold from 100,000 down to about 68,000. The OCR has just jumped up, and things are about to get worse.

11 November 2022

NZ property market remains in a slump as interest rates continue to rise

Do we have any evidence in hand of the impact on the residential real estate market yet of the recent round of fixed mortgage rate increases undertaken by banks? Yes, we do.

08 November 2022

Market update: With a triple OCR hike looming, what's in store for mortgage rates?

We're fast headed towards the last OCR announcement of the year, and it's going to be a big one. In his latest market update, JB shares his expectations on where interest rates could get to, and a bit of an update on the housing market more broadly.

02 November 2022

Why planning ahead is a must for property investors amidst the cashflow crunch

Ballooning costs and tougher servicing requirements are causing a lot of headaches for property investors these days, and planning ahead has never been more important.

28 October 2022

Property investors backing away from the market

My monthly survey has shown a decrease in the net proportion of these investors thinking about buying another property from 10% down to only 2%.

17 October 2022

Down but not out: Making sense of NZ's housing market and economy

There's not much cause for optimism out there among global economy headlines at the moment - but the outlook for New Zealand isn't all bad.

06 October 2022

Another increase to the OCR as monetary policy continues to tighten

The Reserve Bank met expectations this week with another 0.5% increase in the official cash rate so it now sits at 3.5% compared with the record low just over a year ago of 0.25%.

04 October 2022

Market update: Reading the OCR tea leaves

With the Reserve Bank set to make its next OCR announcement this week, what does that mean for interest rates? JB shares his hot takes on that, and what's happening with house prices.

28 September 2022

Interest rate outlook sours

It is somewhat ironic that at the same time as we are seeing first home buyers return to the market and investors pricking up their ears, prospects for interest rates have worsened.

27 September 2022

A DIY opportunity: The option of develop-and-hold for property investors

Property investors are probably feeling a bit disillusioned with the lack of "easy" opportunities out in the market of late. But there is one option which is coming into its own - and that's the option of develop-and-hold.