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16 June 2022

Making sense of the current market as a first home buyer

So, the tables have turned and we've finally entered a buyer's market - but how do you navigate the apparent minefield of increasing mortgage rates and falling house prices?

16 June 2022

Market update: The nuance beyond the media headlines

Between all the news of increasing interest rates and falling house prices, it's an intimidating market to be in right now. But what aren't the headlines telling us?

14 June 2022

The dangers property investors face by having all their eggs in one basket

For those who have strayed down the treacherous path of having all your loans with one bank, the consequences have started to bite.

09 June 2022

Vendors not backing down as house prices fall

When will house prices stop falling? No-one knows. But it looks like we are quite a long way off the bottom being reached for a number of reasons.

26 May 2022

The house construction cycle explained

Development companies have been recently finding that client enquiries are falling away. People can see prices falling so will naturally feel the longer they wait perhaps the cheaper the construction cost will be.

20 May 2022

Budget 2022 brings welcome support for first home buyers

This week's Budget announcement has brought good news for first home buyers, with the Government unveiling a number of changes to unlock additional support.

13 May 2022

Perception vs reality in the housing market

How do I know when a downturn in the market is serious, entrenched, and likely to last for some time? There are a number of measures I look at including data on prices and results from my surveys, but one special factor is the blame game.

19 April 2022

The Big Move: Getting set for a mortgage in New Zealand after living overseas

With borders officially reopening, many Kiwi expats are planning a move home once more. Here's everything you need to know about getting a mortgage in New Zealand after living overseas.

14 April 2022

My main housing thoughts - Tony Alexander

Recently, I wrote a lengthy article listing the main things I am saying about the NZ residential property market at the moment – some of which I have been warning about for 12-18 months. Here are most of those points in summarised form.

11 April 2022

Housing market easing off still

Independent Economist Tony Alexander gives his take on the factors that are playing into falling house prices. Will things be easier for first home buyers with the housing market softening and easing CCCFA rules?

07 April 2022

Market update: House prices take a hit, but do they have further to fall?

With so many different forces playing out in the market right now - interest rates, inflation, the border reopening - how far might they go?

25 February 2022

Market update: Is a recession just around the corner?

As Kiwi businesses and consumers are left to grapple with a nasty cocktail of inflation and higher interest rates, there will be a raft of implications for our economy.