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30 October 2018

Storm Clouds or Fog? The New Zealand Housing and Mortgage Rate Forecast for 2019

Time to cut through the noise, try and make sense of what’s going on in the world, and explore what could happen with house prices and mortgage rates in 2019.

10 July 2018

Top 5 first home buyer tips

Starting a new role at a new company is always an exciting time. For me, leading up to my start date here at Squirrel, it also gave me an opportunity to sit back and reflect just a little.

30 October 2017

Navigating mortgages when you're self-employed

We have a lot of experience with customers who are self-employed and want to borrow for buying a house. Being your own boss, you might not fit the banks’ mould so there might be a couple of extra hoops to jump through. But that’s what we’re here to help with.

18 July 2017

Th latest on mortgage rates | July 2017

For now, competition from the minnows is keeping rates lower, but for how long?

03 July 2017

Hot tips to sell in a cooler market

Even at the best of times, selling a property brings a lot of uncertainty – so what’s it like out there now that the market is a little cooler and what can you do to make for an easier ride?

27 March 2017

Take control of your retirement age

There are two significant decisions that you can make right now which will change the quality of your retirement for the better and remove your worry about whether the retirement age is changed or not.

03 March 2017

Budgeting your first home

It’s tough being a first home buyer. But with a bit of foresight and forward planning, we’ve got a few tips to help you make it work.

01 March 2017

Let's figure out your bank's break fees

When it comes to your mortgage it pays to know it inside and out. After all, when such a large sum of money is at stake the last thing you want are surprises and unexpected costs.

17 February 2017

What goes into choosing your mortgage broker?

Purchasing a home can be a lofty task, so most buyers will want a little help when it comes to sorting the technical details and making the right decisions.

15 February 2017

Is splitting your home loan a good idea?

When it comes to your home loan there's more than one way to skin a cat. There are different interest rates, loan structures, add-ons, repayment terms and a number of other options that fundamentally alter the way that you manage and repay your loan.

14 February 2017

What’s your next move?

It’s been a few years since I’ve spent my nights in the houses of clients who are genuinely seeking advice around what to do and how to grow their portfolio, rather than what’s the best rate.

02 February 2017

Strategies to take control of your mortgage

If you're an Auckland homeowner working on a mortgage, we probably don't need to tell you how difficult managing your repayments can be.