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14 January 2022

What you need to know when buying (or selling) a leaky home in New Zealand

Even though it first came to light nearly 30 years ago, New Zealand’s leaky homes saga stills casts a pretty grim shadow over parts of the housing market. If you’re looking at buying (or selling) a leaky or at-risk house and want to school up on the things to watch for, this guide is for you.

20 December 2021

What happens to your mortgage in a divorce?

If you're going through a divorce, you probably have a whole lot of questions about navigating changes to your mortgage, and where to next. We’ve got you covered.

09 December 2021

The slowing market is a good thing - Tony Alexander

There are five strong forces acting to pull back the level of intensity of buyer demand for residential property at the moment. But just because the boom has ended does not mean a crash is on its way.

06 December 2021

Government law change will cause more harm than good for homeowners

Sign JB's petition. The Government has made changes to responsible lending laws to protect vulnerable borrowers, but they have used a sledge hammer instead of a scalpel. This is an example of over reach, and will cause far greater harm to Kiwi homeowners and small businesses than it will protect vulnerable borrowers.

17 November 2021

Everyday Kiwis forced to pay the price of Government’s new responsible lending laws

Let’s start with a question, should your bank have the right to judge the way you live? The Government has made law changes to protect vulnerable borrowers that come into effect on 2nd December, but that will have adverse consequences for homeowners and especially first homebuyers.

11 November 2021

Rising mortgage rates will eventually dominate FOMO

With investors backing off it is understandable that the pace of increase in house prices has slowed down. In the six months to September 2020, average house prices around New Zealand rose by just 4%, including a 3% fall over the April-May months.

01 November 2021

Updated NZ mortgage rate forecast for 2022

In last year’s mortgage rate forecast, we predicted rates would drop below 2.00% and stay low, which they did for most of 2021. Our house price prediction wasn't so on the money, but that one comes down to a matter of timing. Here's our latest analysis.

28 October 2021

House price growth to fade next year

On average, NZ house prices have risen by 35% since March 2020 when we went into the first nationwide lockdown. This week we're focusing on the growing list of reasons why the pace of house price inflation will slow quite sharply over 2022.

20 October 2021

Are we living beyond our means?

New Zealanders have over $320 billion of household debt, but what does that mean for house prices and for the wider economy?

07 October 2021

A different truth about house prices

I love property. Early last year I wrote that I thought we were going into the last great property boom based on ultra-low interest rates and the increasing importance of having a home in the post COVID world.

30 September 2021

New tax rules for property owners

The government this week clarified details of its housing tax policy changes announced on March 23, and they were slightly less bad than expected.

17 September 2021

The housing market has been strengthening since May

Nationwide average house sale prices rose by 2% in August. This followed a 2.4% rise in July, 1% gain in June, 0.8% rise in May and just a 0.5% rise in April.