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15 April 2019

How to buy a house (and make money) in a soft property market

In this post I’ll cover off what I’ve learned about buying in a soft market, and how Squirrel can help beyond simply arrange the mortgage.

23 July 2018

KiwiBuild: what does it mean for first home buyers?

For those of you who have read my recent article Top 5 first home buyer tips, you may remember me talking about the opportunities that have presented themselves over the last year or so to potential first home buyers. Where there’s a will there’s a way, as they say, and that certainly seems to be the case with the current New Zealand property market.

10 July 2018

Top 5 first home buyer tips

Starting a new role at a new company is always an exciting time. For me, leading up to my start date here at Squirrel, it also gave me an opportunity to sit back and reflect just a little.

07 June 2018

The Preest Journal: Wet Paint

We've been following our clients Alisha & Dom as they start the journey of doing up their first home. In this post Alisha shares the experience of what it's really like redoing the walls of the lounge.

19 April 2018

KiwiSaver tip for first home buyers

Chances are, when you signed up for KiwiSaver some 10 years ago (or less) if you were young, then you put it in an aggressive fund and have hopefully reaped the rewards of that.

13 February 2018

The Preest Journal: Much ado about paint

In the third instalment of first home buyers Alisha & Dom's journey, they're pulling out the paint brushes and test pots.

26 January 2018

The Preest Journal: let the renovations begin

In part 2 of this mini-series, the Preests pick apart their new home, and decide on how to tackle the quirks, starting with the ugliest vanity known to man.

18 January 2018

The Preest Journal: buying our first home

In a world of articles about young couples buying their first home 'on their own' but with a gifted deposit, it's nice to hear a success story with a touch of reality. Where hard work paid off, and avocados weren't given up, and a house was purchased.

08 January 2018

Goals – A new home in 2018

Are you eyeing up a new home this year? Here’s what’s on the cards for 2018.

20 December 2017

The making of Alan

Creating the first AI bot for first home buyers wasn't easy. There were some serious bloopers along the way.

08 July 2016

What do I need to know about interest-only loans?

With so many people choosing to go interest-only, you might be asking yourself why it's proving so popular. Here's what you need to know about this method of financing: both the pros, and the cons.

05 May 2016

Is it time to get out of Auckland?

Auckland has been the go-to place for everyone from first home buyers to investors.