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08 August 2018

What’s happening with interest rates?

I get asked daily what’s happening with interest rates. To answer this question, it’s useful to first define what may affect interest rates. The major influence on interest rates is inflation. As inflation rises, interest rates rise to curb inflation (spending). As inflation falls, interest rates fall to spur spending and economic growth.

21 June 2018

Revisiting our housing and mortgage rate forecast for 2018

As we pass the shortest day and I struggle to get out of bed at a reasonable time, let’s look at 2018 so far.

11 May 2018

What's happening with commercial lending?

Squirrel is often talking about tight credit conditions in terms of residential property, but what’s happening in the commercial space?....

10 May 2018

The technology effect

A few weeks ago JB presented at a property investment workshop on the housing market, the economy, and the effect technology is having on the economy globally.

01 May 2018

Is Auckland good value?

We ran a seminar recently where we were lucky enough to hear from the design champion for Auckland and that led me to thinking: if Auckland was a company, would I buy it?

22 March 2018

BREAKING NEWS – The OCR didn’t change

In typical tabloid fashion, the media desperately try to make news out of anything that drives fear and every eight weeks or so we have the anticipated build up to an OCR announcement.

07 February 2018


The media loves a sensational headline. And in true form it's gone to town on the recent movement in global share markets. Before we panic, let's just look at the big picture.

19 September 2017

Latest on house prices

As we’ve been expecting for some time, house prices have softened and continue to soften.

01 March 2017

The innovation age

As we’ve noted for some time there are some big forces in play that are increasingly changing the way our economies work. None more so than the rise of technology and in particular, robots and artificial intelligence.

18 January 2017

The Geo-political zoo of 2017

The global economy is still in a muddle. So it’s difficult to get a clear gauge on what will happen this year. It certainly won’t be boring.

18 January 2017

January 2017 overview: Themes worth thinking about

It’s that time of the year. Media commentators are lining up to provide a “guess” (aka forecast) as to what might happen this year. Our turn.

18 January 2017

Mortgage rate forecast for 2017

Banks are blaming higher mortgage rates on higher funding costs even with the OCR at historic lows. That’s a convenient half truth. There are three factors in play.