Search results: john

06 August 2020

Buy first or sell first?

When you have established yourself on the proverbial property ladder you will at some point come to the decision to move house. But what comes first? Is it better to buy first and then sell, or the other way round? Here are the pros and cons to each of these scenarios.

05 August 2020

Is now a good time to Invest in Property?

I think now is a good time to be at least looking, but take your time and make sure the numbers stack up. If you buy cash flow neutral in the right areas, irrespective of what happens with short-term house prices it will be an excellent long-term investment.

24 July 2020

Growing your Portfolio with Non-Bank Options

Although banks are tightening access to credit and becoming harder to deal with, there are competitive non-bank options with rates as low as 3.40% that are worth considering.

15 June 2020

Investing in a recession

There could be emerging opportunities for investors in the current market, but to take advantage of them you need to be reviewing your existing portfolio now.

21 May 2020

Investing in property in a tight credit market

There’s no doubt that there will be some good buying opportunities over the next twelve months. To make the most of them you will need to be cashed up and ready to pounce. It’s about having the confidence, knowing you can land the deal, but also not misreading your lenders and their lack of appetite for risk.

28 April 2020

Investing in property post Covid-19

More than ever, the current economic crisis has highlighted the importance of (1) having a clear investment strategy and (2) managing your risks. What does your risk management strategy look like? What happens if your tenants cannot pay the rent? What happens if you sell a property and the bank keeps all of the sales proceeds?

26 March 2020

Financial anxiety in a crisis

I’ve been in a few crises. The first was launching Squirrel at the height of the GFC, with a crashing housing market. Then my head contractor went bankrupt part way through my big property development. Now? We're faced with Coronavirus. But this one is different. We're all in it together and it's out of our control.

26 March 2020

COVID-19 - How to apply for a mortgage repayment deferral or switch to interest-only

Among all of the current madness you may have heard about the banks offering mortgage holidays, or repayment deferrals. Here's how the process works with each of the main banks.

23 March 2020

How to manage your mortgage through the coronavirus crisis

The adage 'cash is king' is never truer than in a crisis. Cash gives you the flexibility and freedom to respond to changes. Now is a good time to have a small cash buffer in your mortgage. The thing to remember is banks don’t want you to default on your mortgage, and they have temporary options in place which are designed to support those who find themselves in financial hardship.

09 March 2020

Coronavirus (COVID-19) clickbait

In our evolving interconnected world, coronavirus has become the perfect tabloid media clickbait. It plays straight into our anxieties and fears. We are lemmings with an inherent magnetism towards mass hysteria. Let's get some perspective.

13 November 2019

Building Wealth through Commercial Property

Are you ready to jump into commercial property? I wasn’t for a long time, but given I own a business and rent premises it makes sense. If you are a business owner and new to commercial property, here's how you could make it work for you.

20 May 2019

Looking after your Credit Score

Credit bureaus in NZ are now looking at monthly account behaviour for all lending products as well as account behaviour for a number of utility bills. Basically, if you miss a payment, everyone will know about it. Here's everything you need to know.