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09 February 2023

The Goldilocks Zone: Can the Reserve Bank get it 'just right' on 22nd February?

After hitting us hard with one massive OCR increase after another last year, the Reserve Bank's next announcement on 22nd February is one they can't afford to mess up.

07 February 2023

Rodney's Ravings: Inflation will fall in 2023, but the battle's far from over

The good news? Many signs seem to indicate that inflation is starting to come under control. The not so good news? Wage pressure could send us into a wage price spiral that prolongs the battle.

11 January 2023

2023: The Year of Recession (and what it means for property investors)

Cashflow is king. It's one of those old sayings that just always holds true - and it's one that property investors should be keeping top of mind heading into 2023.

22 December 2022

Mark your calendars: Key OCR dates for 2023

With most of New Zealand holding its breath as we wait to see what interest rates are going to do next year, here are the Reserve Bank announcement dates you need in your diary.

19 December 2022

Market update: Even with recession on the horizon, it's not all bad news

It's pretty scary out there right now - but despite appearances, the foundations are already being laid for the housing market's recovery.

08 December 2022

Reserve Bank causes shock throughout the nation

With the Reserve Bank's predictions of a recession, an unemployment rate of 5.7% and high inflation, businesses and consumers alike have had to sharply rein in their spending plans on everything but groceries, including housing. But will the fear pass with time, or simply worsen?

05 December 2022

Rodney's Ravings: The Reserve Bank is a major source of instability

Our unemployment rate tells us a lot about how the Reserve Bank is doing on its mission to keep inflation under control - and looking back at the numbers, it's not exactly a glowing picture.

23 November 2022

Triple hike brings OCR to its highest in over a decade

This one's going to hit homeowners hard. Here's what to expect from mortgage rates, and what to do if your mortgage is coming up for renewal.

08 November 2022

Market update: With a triple OCR hike looming, what's in store for mortgage rates?

We're fast headed towards the last OCR announcement of the year, and it's going to be a big one. In his latest market update, JB shares his expectations on where interest rates could get to, and a bit of an update on the housing market more broadly.

14 October 2022

House price falls are slowing

We can unequivocally say that house prices are going down, but the pace of decline in house prices is slowing. When will house prices bottom out?

12 October 2022

Rodney's Ravings: Seldom has residential building been more important

With sentiment across New Zealand's residential building sector at a new low right now, what are the implications for our construction sector, and the wider economy?

06 October 2022

Another increase to the OCR as monetary policy continues to tighten

The Reserve Bank met expectations this week with another 0.5% increase in the official cash rate so it now sits at 3.5% compared with the record low just over a year ago of 0.25%.