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23 November 2022

Interest rates to go even higher after OCR hike

Over the past year or so we have seen a decline in the number of properties sold from 100,000 down to about 68,000. The OCR has just jumped up, and things are about to get worse.

08 November 2022

Market update: With a triple OCR hike looming, what's in store for mortgage rates?

We're fast headed towards the last OCR announcement of the year, and it's going to be a big one. In his latest market update, JB shares his expectations on where interest rates could get to, and a bit of an update on the housing market more broadly.

12 October 2022

Rodney's Ravings: Seldom has residential building been more important

With sentiment across New Zealand's residential building sector at a new low right now, what are the implications for our construction sector, and the wider economy?

06 October 2022

Another increase to the OCR as monetary policy continues to tighten

The Reserve Bank met expectations this week with another 0.5% increase in the official cash rate so it now sits at 3.5% compared with the record low just over a year ago of 0.25%.

04 October 2022

Market update: Reading the OCR tea leaves

With the Reserve Bank set to make its next OCR announcement this week, what does that mean for interest rates? JB shares his hot takes on that, and what's happening with house prices.

12 September 2022

Market update: Has buyer confidence started its slow return?

The market's been undeniably slow in recent months, but between stabilising interest rates and greater choice, buyers are starting to dip their toes in once more.

08 September 2022

Rodney's Ravings: The case for a market-led fall in interest rates

Recent interest rate hikes have hit the economy, hard. While the Reserve Bank forges on with aggressive OCR increases, the market is reading the signs.

19 August 2022

Monetary policy tightening – sort of

Changes made to the official cash rate strongly affect floating mortgage rates, but when it comes to fixed rates it is expectations for what will happen with monetary policy that truly matter.

10 August 2022

Rodney's Ravings: Economics works even if bank economists don't understand it

The experts have been predicting a “soft landing” for the New Zealand economy - but are we in fact well past the point of no return on the road to recession?

16 June 2022

Making sense of the current market as a first home buyer

So, the tables have turned and we've finally entered a buyer's market - but how do you navigate the apparent minefield of increasing mortgage rates and falling house prices?

07 April 2022

Market update: House prices take a hit, but do they have further to fall?

With so many different forces playing out in the market right now - interest rates, inflation, the border reopening - how far might they go?

29 March 2022

Squirrel rate increase delivers even higher returns for investors

We come bearing good news, investors! As of the 21st March 2022, the rate of return across two of our Investment Classes – Home Loans and Construction Loans – has increased by 0.25%.