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08 November 2022

Market update: With a triple OCR hike looming, what's in store for mortgage rates?

We're fast headed towards the last OCR announcement of the year, and it's going to be a big one. In his latest market update, JB shares his expectations on where interest rates could get to, and a bit of an update on the housing market more broadly.

28 October 2022

Property investors backing away from the market

My monthly survey has shown a decrease in the net proportion of these investors thinking about buying another property from 10% down to only 2%.

12 September 2022

Market update: Has buyer confidence started its slow return?

The market's been undeniably slow in recent months, but between stabilising interest rates and greater choice, buyers are starting to dip their toes in once more.

10 August 2022

Rodney's Ravings: Economics works even if bank economists don't understand it

The experts have been predicting a “soft landing” for the New Zealand economy - but are we in fact well past the point of no return on the road to recession?

10 August 2022

Why it's not all doom & gloom for first home buyers who bought at 2021's market peak

Anyone who'd just got their foot on the property ladder when the market started to turn will be feeling rough after the last few months - but it's not all bad news.

31 May 2022

Investing and inflation: When being “conservative” doesn’t pay

After many years in a KiwiSaver Growth Fund, I switched to a Conservative Fund a couple of years ago. It felt like a smart move at the time, but man, hindsight’s a wonderful thing.

29 March 2022

Squirrel rate increase delivers even higher returns for investors

We come bearing good news, investors! As of the 21st March 2022, the rate of return across two of our Investment Classes – Home Loans and Construction Loans – has increased by 0.25%.

25 February 2022

Market update: Is a recession just around the corner?

As Kiwi businesses and consumers are left to grapple with a nasty cocktail of inflation and higher interest rates, there will be a raft of implications for our economy.

25 February 2022

With recession comes opportunity – A potential silver lining for buyers in the housing market

As Kiwis grapple with the double whammy of higher interest rates and high inflation, there’s no doubt people are starting to feel the pinch. Could current economic pressures lead to a drop in house prices?

17 September 2020

Treasury hedges its house price bets

This Wednesday, Treasury released their latest set of economic and fiscal forecasts, as legislation requires they do just ahead of a general election.

19 June 2020

Investor appetite for risk about to change

While homeowners are relishing the lowest home loan rates we have seen in NZ, investors are doing it tough where ‘safe returns’ at the bank are now often no better than inflation. So what other investment options are there?

01 November 2018

The 12 month rate fix (part 2)

12 Month interest rates are at all time lows for New Zealand, however it may not be prudent to fix over that term. In part 1 we covered the OCR, inflation the connection between inflation and interest rates. Let's now talk about forward interest rates and current inflationary drivers in NZ.