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30 March 2021

Government policy, interest rates and house prices

This post will start with a little rant and then progress into trying to understand the downstream impacts of a big week for the housing market. Just in case you were under a rock this week, the government announced a major change in housing tax policy.

25 March 2021

Podcast: What does the Government's announcement mean for first home buyers?

Newsroom’s Alexia Russell sat down with Chief Squirrel JB to chat about what the Government's recent announcement means for first home buyers. Does it remove the stumbling blocks, or is it still hard as ever for young Kiwis to get onto the property ladder? Are there going to be any unintentional consequences?

11 August 2020

Questions asked by first home buyers

One of the advantages which existing home owners have over first home buyers is experience. They have learnt that as a rule there is no “best” time to buy property and it is wise to simply get on with it as soon as one is comfortable with the debt to be taken on, and then manage changes along the way.

15 June 2020

Thinking about buying your first home? Here’s your checklist

So much to think about, so much to consider. We’ve broken it down for you into a handy up-to-the-minute checklist that you can download, print and pin up on your wall at home. Once you’ve got all the nuts checked off, you’re good to go!

28 May 2020

Lining Up Those Ducks – Getting Yourself Bank Ready

If there’s one thing we’ve been brutally reminded of this year, it’s that we live in an ever-changing world. Some things may never be the same. However, the world continues to turn, and people will continue to buy houses. Now more than ever it's important to line up those ducks to be bank ready.

11 May 2020

What I’d do if I was a first home buyer in 2020

There’s a lot of mixed messages out there about property at the moment. Some is from complete pessimists who think the world is coming to an end. Some is from the industry who are far too bullish and whose income is in some way tied to property. We’re arguably in the latter camp (given we’re mortgage advisers) – but we try to call it as we see it.

07 November 2019

The First Home Loan, and how to get one

There’s been a lot written about the 'First Home Loan’ programme in the press recently, particularly around changes to the deposit requirements. We thought it would be a good time to cut through some of the noise around these loans and explain what it means for your average first home buyer.

31 October 2019

Everything first home buyers need to know about KiwiSaver

Most New Zealanders know about KiwiSaver, but not everyone knows how it can benefit you as a potential home buyer, or how the process works when you want to use it.

28 October 2019

Getting your deposit together for your first home

Let’s take a look at deposits, what support the government offers first home buyers, and a few other ways that you can pull your deposit together for your first home.

13 September 2019

Should I rent or buy my first home?

It’s easy to get caught up in the news headlines and neighbourhood chatter about what’s happening in the property market. Everyone you know will have an opinion on whether you’re better off buying your first home or continuing to rent, and it can be hard to sort fact from fiction.

04 September 2019

FAQs About Buying Your First Home

We get asked hundreds of questions from Kiwis about buying their first home, so we decided to put our heads together and answer some of the most common ones for anyone that's starting to think about getting onto the property market.

26 April 2019

Is now a good time to buy property in New Zealand?

When prices are going up, everyone seems happy to pay ever increasing prices and nobody questions whether or not it is a good time to buy. Conversely, when prices are falling everyone sits on the fence waiting for the market to pick up.