Search results: john

23 September 2021

The big difference between buying a home in 2008 and buying a home in 2021

My own experience of two first home buyers 13 years apart shows that servicing hasn’t changed all that much. It's as hard today as it was 13 years ago. But what it doesn’t show is the sizeable part of our population that are locked out of the housing market altogether.

17 August 2021

The development opportunity in terraced housing

The changing nature of the housing market has seen a rapid increase in the amount of terraced housing under development. Even experienced developers like terraced housing.

10 August 2021

Seven ways to save money on your mortgage

In a perfect world, your bank would let you know every time there was an opportunity for you to save money. But the world isn’t perfect so it’s up to you to stay on top of your home loan. It could save you thousands of dollars. How? Here are seven things to consider.

01 July 2021

The Mother of all Bubbles

We are so fixated with property that talk of any kind of bubble quickly turns the conversation to housing. I’m going somewhere else. History is a great teacher.

24 June 2021

Investing in Residential Mortgages

At Squirrel, we're known as one of the largest mortgage brokers in New Zealand. But what you might not know is that we are also a lender, which means we can make a portion of those loans available as investments for retail investors. This gives investors better opportunities for their cash funds.

11 June 2021

Property spruikers and spin

The cult of personality is alive and well in the New Zealand property market with the next wave of self-styled property gurus. Now they're digital savvy and on social media.

06 April 2021

Developers, drug dealers and money

Investing money with property developers is risky. In this post we talk about how risky it is and ask how it can even happen.

25 January 2021

How to manage 60% - 70% LVR restrictions for property investors

In March the Reserve Bank will reimplement LVR (loan-to-value ratio) restrictions on property investors. This will mean lending for investment properties will be required to have a 70% or possibly 60% loan-to-value ratio.

22 December 2020

Planning your Property Portfolio for your Retirement

Most of us store a large part of our wealth in property. It could be in our owner-occupied home, a holiday house or an investment portfolio. And a large number of property owners are starting to head towards retirement.

26 October 2020

How to earn better returns by investing in residential mortgages

Earlier this year we launched our P2P Home Loans and Business Property Loans that give investors access to residential first mortgage investments with returns of up to 5% p.a. As interest rates have fallen, investors are looking for better returns.

15 October 2020

Why property investors should consider refinancing

There are numerous reasons to regularly review your mortgages and make sure you still have the right overall solution for your lending. Part of that includes not putting all your eggs in one basket, and splitting your lending across different banks to avoid sticky situations.

14 September 2020

Professional property investing when a home loan is no longer a home loan

As a general rule of thumb, any property investor who has at least six rental properties is viewed as a "professional" property investor through the eyes of the bank. And the way these investors are treated by the banks is markedly different to someone whose main income is not from property.