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14 September 2020

How to spot cyber crime in real time

Having come from decades in banking Dave’s seen his fair share of cyber-crime and how it’s evolved alongside financial technology. He took the time to write down his recent experiences and tips on how to avoid becoming victim to cyber fraud.

06 August 2020

Buy first or sell first?

When you have established yourself on the proverbial property ladder you will at some point come to the decision to move house. But what comes first? Is it better to buy first and then sell, or the other way round? Here are the pros and cons to each of these scenarios.

05 August 2020

Is now a good time to Invest in Property?

I think now is a good time to be at least looking, but take your time and make sure the numbers stack up. If you buy cash flow neutral in the right areas, irrespective of what happens with short-term house prices it will be an excellent long-term investment.

15 June 2020

Thinking about buying your first home? Here’s your checklist

So much to think about, so much to consider. We’ve broken it down for you into a handy up-to-the-minute checklist that you can download, print and pin up on your wall at home. Once you’ve got all the nuts checked off, you’re good to go!

11 May 2020

What I’d do if I was a first home buyer in 2020

There’s a lot of mixed messages out there about property at the moment. Some is from complete pessimists who think the world is coming to an end. Some is from the industry who are far too bullish and whose income is in some way tied to property. We’re arguably in the latter camp (given we’re mortgage advisers) – but we try to call it as we see it.

30 March 2020

Mortgage rates forecast 2020 - This is the bottom of the cycle

You heard it here, but also let’s acknowledge up front that I’ve called it before and been wrong. This situation is different though. The OCR has reached the bottom, bank margins are tight, and term deposits can't go much lower.

26 March 2020

Financial anxiety in a crisis

I’ve been in a few crises. The first was launching Squirrel at the height of the GFC, with a crashing housing market. Then my head contractor went bankrupt part way through my big property development. Now? We're faced with Coronavirus. But this one is different. We're all in it together and it's out of our control.

23 March 2020

How to manage your mortgage through the coronavirus crisis

The adage 'cash is king' is never truer than in a crisis. Cash gives you the flexibility and freedom to respond to changes. Now is a good time to have a small cash buffer in your mortgage. The thing to remember is banks don’t want you to default on your mortgage, and they have temporary options in place which are designed to support those who find themselves in financial hardship.

27 February 2020

Advice for those about to purchase property using KiwiSaver

What does Coronavirus have to do with your KiwiSaver funds? More than you might think. No need to panic, but we thought it was worth putting a word of caution out there for anyone who is looking at purchasing a property in the near future with KiwiSaver as part (or all) of their deposit.

21 February 2020

The good and bad of business banking

Business banking can be tricky. Depending on the bank and the bank manager you’re dealing with it can be as straight forward as a personal transaction, or it can feel like you’re being put on trial for a crime you didn’t commit.

30 January 2020

How to pay off your mortgage faster

Making it onto the property ladder is a huge milestone, but the journey doesn’t end there. Now you're in a huge amount of debt. We've put together some of our top tips for helping you manage and pay your mortgage off faster.

09 December 2019

What is bridging finance and how does it work?

Anyone that’s moved properties knows just how exhausting it can be. Between getting your place on the market, heading to open homes and making offers, both buying and selling can be overwhelming in their own right.