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06 August 2020

Buy first or sell first?

When you have established yourself on the proverbial property ladder you will at some point come to the decision to move house. But what comes first? Is it better to buy first and then sell, or the other way round? Here are the pros and cons to each of these scenarios.

05 August 2020

Is now a good time to Invest in Property?

I think now is a good time to be at least looking, but take your time and make sure the numbers stack up. If you buy cash flow neutral in the right areas, irrespective of what happens with short-term house prices it will be an excellent long-term investment.

23 June 2020

Beyond 2020 | The next Housing Boom

After a short hiatus and a 5%-10% fall in house prices, I’m going out on a limb given the current market pessimism and predicting we will stretch into what might be the last great housing boom. Here's why.

26 April 2019

Is now a good time to buy property in New Zealand?

When prices are going up, everyone seems happy to pay ever increasing prices and nobody questions whether or not it is a good time to buy. Conversely, when prices are falling everyone sits on the fence waiting for the market to pick up.

15 April 2019

How to buy a house (and make money) in a soft property market

In this post I’ll cover off what I’ve learned about buying in a soft market, and how Squirrel can help beyond simply arrange the mortgage.

25 March 2019

March 2019 - New Zealand housing market update

Housing markets typically move in cycles – often referenced as the ‘property clock.’ Anyone with an interest in property sits around guessing what time it is. If you observed the clock over the past thirty years, it has largely worked out, but right now reading the property clock is getting harder.

28 August 2018

2019 Property forecast

It’s time to pull out the crystal ball and talk property prices. With house prices falling in Sydney (4.5% in the past year), the question is, will the same thing happen here? For this post I thought I’d develop a bottom-up ‘economic’ model.

10 July 2018

Top 5 first home buyer tips

Starting a new role at a new company is always an exciting time. For me, leading up to my start date here at Squirrel, it also gave me an opportunity to sit back and reflect just a little.

21 June 2018

Revisiting our housing and mortgage rate forecast for 2018

As we pass the shortest day and I struggle to get out of bed at a reasonable time, let’s look at 2018 so far.

23 May 2018

General Market Update

We’re nearing the mid-point of 2018 and things seem to be simmering away without any obvious signs of changing.

20 March 2018

The importance of liquidity in the housing market

Property isn’t as liquid as you might think. Just try selling an investment apartment in this market, especially one under 50sqm.

27 March 2017

Take control of your retirement age

There are two significant decisions that you can make right now which will change the quality of your retirement for the better and remove your worry about whether the retirement age is changed or not.