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15 March 2021

Early slowing signs in the housing market

We all know that the residential real estate markets all around New Zealand have been rampant since just after the middle of last year. We've been here before and none of the 'remedies' seem to have prevented prices from rising at pace.

17 February 2021

What’s happening to Mortgage Rates?

It’s just a little bit odd at the moment trying to make sense of mortgage rates. The mortgage rate signals that borrowers are receiving are somewhat confusing.

25 January 2021

How to manage 60% - 70% LVR restrictions for property investors

In March the Reserve Bank will reimplement LVR (loan-to-value ratio) restrictions on property investors. This will mean lending for investment properties will be required to have a 70% or possibly 60% loan-to-value ratio.

22 December 2020

Planning your Property Portfolio for your Retirement

Most of us store a large part of our wealth in property. It could be in our owner-occupied home, a holiday house or an investment portfolio. And a large number of property owners are starting to head towards retirement.

15 October 2020

Why property investors should consider refinancing

There are numerous reasons to regularly review your mortgages and make sure you still have the right overall solution for your lending. Part of that includes not putting all your eggs in one basket, and splitting your lending across different banks to avoid sticky situations.

14 September 2020

Professional property investing when a home loan is no longer a home loan

As a general rule of thumb, any property investor who has at least six rental properties is viewed as a "professional" property investor through the eyes of the bank. And the way these investors are treated by the banks is markedly different to someone whose main income is not from property.

15 June 2020

Investing in a recession

There could be emerging opportunities for investors in the current market, but to take advantage of them you need to be reviewing your existing portfolio now.

21 May 2020

Investing in property in a tight credit market

There’s no doubt that there will be some good buying opportunities over the next twelve months. To make the most of them you will need to be cashed up and ready to pounce. It’s about having the confidence, knowing you can land the deal, but also not misreading your lenders and their lack of appetite for risk.

28 April 2020

Investing in property post Covid-19

More than ever, the current economic crisis has highlighted the importance of (1) having a clear investment strategy and (2) managing your risks. What does your risk management strategy look like? What happens if your tenants cannot pay the rent? What happens if you sell a property and the bank keeps all of the sales proceeds?

21 February 2020

The good and bad of business banking

Business banking can be tricky. Depending on the bank and the bank manager you’re dealing with it can be as straight forward as a personal transaction, or it can feel like you’re being put on trial for a crime you didn’t commit.

23 July 2019

The Virtue of Patience

Property development carries with it many risks and currently it’s perhaps the most difficult market to find finance. Often, I find clients who haven’t exercised much patience and as a result can find themselves in a pickle.

18 March 2019

Property Investment Planning - New Risks on the Horizon

For the last while we’ve been grappling with ever tightening rules on interest-only for investors, and that’s just the beginning of the hurdles. Servicing is getting stricter and investors are having to jump through a few hoops to keep the banks happy.