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21 December 2022

Falling house construction over 2023

Stories of builder collapses alongside high financing costs have made people step back from signing up for a new property. Presales for developers have shrunk and many projects are now being put on hold.

19 December 2022

Market update: Even with recession on the horizon, it's not all bad news

It's pretty scary out there right now - but despite appearances, the foundations are already being laid for the housing market's recovery.

11 November 2022

NZ property market remains in a slump as interest rates continue to rise

Do we have any evidence in hand of the impact on the residential real estate market yet of the recent round of fixed mortgage rate increases undertaken by banks? Yes, we do.

09 November 2022

Rodney's Ravings: Auckland's decline will sow the seeds for its next outperformance

A mix of high residential construction levels and a falling population has proven a bit of a nasty cocktail for Auckland house prices. But they're the same factors that will usher in the region's recovery.

17 October 2022

Down but not out: Making sense of NZ's housing market and economy

There's not much cause for optimism out there among global economy headlines at the moment - but the outlook for New Zealand isn't all bad.

25 July 2022

No recovery for the housing market yet – but seeds are being sown

On average over the past decade there have been around 81,000 dwellings sold each year all around New Zealand, but the way things are tracking we look set to see a fall to around 65,000 within the coming year. How will we know when things are going to turn around?

07 July 2022

Have we entered the end game for falling prices?

I saw a newspaper headline recently along the lines that house prices have now bottomed out because some banks have cut their two year fixed mortgage interest rates. But interest rates aren't the only factor causing house prices to go down.

22 June 2022

The housing cycle has accelerated

Independent Economist Tony Alexander gives us a breakdown of what is happening in financial markets and the housing market.

09 June 2022

Vendors not backing down as house prices fall

When will house prices stop falling? No-one knows. But it looks like we are quite a long way off the bottom being reached for a number of reasons.

26 May 2022

The house construction cycle explained

Development companies have been recently finding that client enquiries are falling away. People can see prices falling so will naturally feel the longer they wait perhaps the cheaper the construction cost will be.

13 May 2022

Perception vs reality in the housing market

How do I know when a downturn in the market is serious, entrenched, and likely to last for some time? There are a number of measures I look at including data on prices and results from my surveys, but one special factor is the blame game.

28 April 2022

The anatomy of a turning housing market

Here is a quick high level run-through of the main things happening in the residential real estate market on average in New Zealand.