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23 March 2021

Policy proposals for housing

I was asked to give a radio interview last week on the topic of the Green Party’s policies which they believe will make a sustained difference in house prices. The timing was perfect as I was just about to put pen to paper for my latest column for Squirrel – so here are my thoughts.

11 December 2020

Holidays and house purchases

Each month I run a survey with the REINZ of real estate agents all around New Zealand, asking them what they are seeing. My latest survey, which yielded a good 369 responses, shows that FOMO, fear of missing out, remains as strong as ever.

19 November 2020

Slowing down a hot property market

Whilst low interest rates are a major catalyst for increasing house prices, it fundamentally comes down to a supply side issue that many countries haven’t solved, including New Zealand.

13 November 2020

House price boom turns to construction boom

Growing house construction is a substantial boom for the economy through extra business for materials manufacturers and distributors, architects, inspectors and so on.

27 October 2020

Housing and interest rate forecast for 2021

It’s around this time of the year that I take an educated guess at what will happen with house prices and mortgage rates. As I’ve said time and time again, the strongest correlation that exists is between house prices and interest rates.

15 October 2020

Migration and the rental scramble

It is now hard to believe that there could be more than a handful of people left in the country thinking the Covid-19 crisis will cause house prices to fall in New Zealand. So what's causing the demand? One thing mainly: the biggest net migration boom New Zealand has ever seen.

02 October 2020

Construction Outlook Brightens

One of the strongest expectations most of us have had regarding the impact of fighting Covid-19 from early this year, has been that construction of houses will fall away. This expectation was soundly based but the chances of that are getting slimmer by the day.

09 July 2020

Will returning Kiwis boost NZ house prices?

I recently talked about the factors providing support for the New Zealand housing market which included interest rates, a shortage of listings, and a long queue of frustrated buyers. One other factor that's just now getting more attention is the high number of Kiwis returning home.

20 April 2020

Buying a home after lockdown - what you need to know

This article is split into two sections. We’ll first explore the supply and demand issues, and secondly get into some tips and tricks to consider. So, what drives the housing market and what does that mean post COVID-19?

21 February 2020

Mortgage rate and housing market forecast 2020

Interest rates are still low and the housing market seems to be thawing out after a slow 2019. That said, the latest uncertainty comes in the form of Coronavirus and what impact it could have on the economy. Here's a roundup of our views.

20 November 2019

Property and mortgage rate outlook for 2020

Auckland has come back to life after two years of lacklustre house sales and easing house prices. At the same time, the rest of New Zealand is taking a bit of a pause after a strong run of price appreciation.

26 September 2019

House prices - where to from here?

For the past thirty years there has been a strong correlation between property prices and interest rates. As interest rates fall, property prices go up. So, as interest rates continue to fall, property prices could potentially increase further. My view is that won’t happen.