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29 May 2023

What will it take to create greater competition in banking? It’s not another bank

The Kiwi banking sector has come under some pretty heavy scrutiny in recent months, as uniformity and a lack of competition between key players has allowed bank profits to soar (and keep on soaring) at the expense of their customers. So, what's the answer? Well, Squirrel's Dave Tyrer reckons it's not another bank.

15 May 2023

Breaking the bank: 5 bank secrets that cost savers over $4 billion each year

New Zealand’s retail banks made $9.96 billion (yep, that’s with a ‘b’) of pre-tax profit in 2022. And while the banks are laughing all the way to the – well – bank, what most Kiwi don’t fully understand is how they’re making that money. (Spoiler alert: it's Kiwi that are losing out.)

09 May 2023

Why are bank profits so high... and still climbing?

One of our biggest banks has just reported a 26% increase in revenue over the last six months - while growing sales by just 2%. How does that even happen? And what can Kiwi be doing to take some of it back?

04 May 2023

Job done: Why the monetary policy tightening cycle is over

We’re only 0.25% off the Reserve Bank’s (RBNZ’s) forecasted peak OCR – so will Kiwis be hit by other OCR hike, or have interest rates in New Zealand already peaked for this economic cycle?

02 May 2023

World Asthma Day: How banks are helping to support a healthier New Zealand

Here in Aotearoa, we have one of the highest rates of asthma, and death by asthma, of anywhere in the world - and it’s probably got something to do with the quality of our housing. Luckily, our four biggest banks have fantastic loan options on offer, that are designed specifically to help Kiwi homeowners fund improvements to their home (or rental property) to make it a healthier space, that’s better for the environment.

20 April 2023

The best and worst bank savings accounts in New Zealand

Kiwi are missing out on roughly $2 billion of interest each year on “lazy” money sitting in their transaction accounts — so we’ve stacked up Aotearoa’s best and worst savings accounts to help you unlock your share.

20 March 2023

Covert tactics: How banks profit off "lazy" savings customers

The banks have come under fire recently for some of the ways they're making money from their customers. If it's been a while since you reviewed your savings account options, here's how you might inadvertently be helping to line their pockets.

13 March 2023

The grim reality for New Zealand savers with money in the bank

With inflation like it is right now, you're only marginally better off having money in the bank than you would be having it stashed away under your mattress. So, what other options are there?

06 March 2023

Why do banks make term investments such hard work?

Bank term investments might seem like the way to go if you want to earn the best returns on your savings. But between all the T&Cs and fine print, are they really all they're cracked up to be?

07 February 2023

How you could use bank money to cope with higher mortgage costs

Not a lot of us have a spare $1k - $2k floating around each month. So, for those of us due for a fixed rate rollover this year, how do you fill the gap?

31 January 2023

Break fees: Why caution is needed when fixing your mortgage longer-term

This article is a cautionary tale for anyone feeling tempted by the recent fall in long-term mortgage rates: fixing long-term can come with some wicked hidden costs.

31 January 2023

North Island floods and cyclone: What you need to know about accessing support

If you’re a Squirrel mortgage customer, a Squirrel investor who needs to access funds, or you’ve previously arranged insurance via our team, here’s what you need to know about accessing support.