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11 March 2019

Investing in commercial property

Over the last 12 months there has been a huge influx of investors into the Commercial Property market. Those chasing yield are shifting towards it because it historically gives you a better bang for your buck than residential property. We see plenty of investors who don't fully understand the finance side of these investments, so here's our advice.

08 March 2019

Mortgage Broker Commission

At a superficial and generally uninformed level, it’s easy to have an opinion on mortgage broker commissions. It’s also easy to have an opinion when you have a vested interest as banks do, and yes, I do too.

06 March 2019

How responsible lending may affect property investors

The Hayne Report was released in Australia recently, and brought about some stern recommendations for the lending sector. The standards have been put in place for the best interests of New Zealanders, however, like anything that is done by the government, they can often carry unforeseen circumstances. Let's take a look at how property investors could be affected.

05 December 2018

Squirrel HomeBuild – The Smart Way to Build

As New Zealand’s leading mortgage broker, Squirrel has engineered a new financial product called Squirrel HomeBuild that makes building a new home simpler, and without the traditional hassles associated with building.

14 November 2018

The 'hack' that could save young homeowners thousands

Feel like you’re missing out on a good mortgage rate? If you only recently bought your first home, you’re not alone.

14 November 2018

Act now on 3.95% mortgage rate specials | why they won’t last

Most media commentators are hooked on the new ‘rate war’, and the question being asked is if this is the new ‘norm.’ It isn’t, and more than that, you could easily miss out if you procrastinate.

01 November 2018

The 12 month rate fix (part 2)

12 Month interest rates are at all time lows for New Zealand, however it may not be prudent to fix over that term. In part 1 we covered the OCR, inflation the connection between inflation and interest rates. Let's now talk about forward interest rates and current inflationary drivers in NZ.

17 October 2018

What is a mortgage cash back?

It's become common practice in NZ for banks to offer cash backs with new mortgages, whether that's a refinance or a new purchase. One of the advantages of using a mortgage broker is they can help maximise your cash back.

10 October 2018

The 12 month rate fix (part 1)

12 Month interest rates are particularly appealing at the moment. Kiwibank has most recently offered a 12-month fixed rate sub 4% and many banks are moving in the same direction. This is fantastic for the next 12 months, however it pays to think about what you are going to do post the expiry of this rate.

03 October 2018

No more first tier asset lenders

A common misconception with borrowers, brokers and buyers is that the most important thing is how much deposit or equity you have. Whilst important, changes to lending standards have changed the focus over the past 12 months.

01 August 2018

50 reasons to use a Mortgage Broker

One of the questions you might have if considering a mortgage broker for the first time is, why use a mortgage broker versus going to the bank direct? Or, what is the difference between a mortgage broker and a mobile mortgage manager? It’s hard to sum-up what we do in a couple of sentences, so here goes my 50 reasons why to use a mortgage broker and Squirrel in particular.

10 July 2018

Top 5 first home buyer tips

Starting a new role at a new company is always an exciting time. For me, leading up to my start date here at Squirrel, it also gave me an opportunity to sit back and reflect just a little.