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14 January 2022

What you need to know when buying (or selling) a leaky home in New Zealand

Even though it first came to light nearly 30 years ago, New Zealand’s leaky homes saga stills casts a pretty grim shadow over parts of the housing market. If you’re looking at buying (or selling) a leaky or at-risk house and want to school up on the things to watch for, this guide is for you.

20 December 2021

What happens to your mortgage in a divorce?

If you're going through a divorce, you probably have a whole lot of questions about navigating changes to your mortgage, and where to next. We’ve got you covered.

15 December 2021

Market update: Year-end brings mixed bag for borrowers and buyers, at the mercy of new lending restrictions

As 2021 draws to a close, it looks as though we may finally be starting to see that long-anticipated easing of the housing market come to fruition.

28 October 2021

Is it better to fix or float your home loan?

In this article we’re looking at how to pick the right fixed home loan rate term in a rising interest rate environment.

17 August 2021

The development opportunity in terraced housing

The changing nature of the housing market has seen a rapid increase in the amount of terraced housing under development. Even experienced developers like terraced housing.

10 August 2021

Seven ways to save money on your mortgage

In a perfect world, your bank would let you know every time there was an opportunity for you to save money. But the world isn’t perfect so it’s up to you to stay on top of your home loan. It could save you thousands of dollars. How? Here are seven things to consider.

11 June 2021

Property spruikers and spin

The cult of personality is alive and well in the New Zealand property market with the next wave of self-styled property gurus. Now they're digital savvy and on social media.

22 April 2021

Saving for a house deposit? Grow your savings faster

Saving for a house in the post-covid age isn’t easy. With house prices becoming stratospheric, the Kiwi dream might start to seem more like a pipe dream.

16 April 2021

House construction will eventually exceed requirements

When it comes to discussions about housing in New Zealand it is almost heresy to say anything other than that there is a housing shortage, a housing crisis.

17 February 2021

What’s happening to Mortgage Rates?

It’s just a little bit odd at the moment trying to make sense of mortgage rates. The mortgage rate signals that borrowers are receiving are somewhat confusing.

25 January 2021

How to manage 60% - 70% LVR restrictions for property investors

In March the Reserve Bank will reimplement LVR (loan-to-value ratio) restrictions on property investors. This will mean lending for investment properties will be required to have a 70% or possibly 60% loan-to-value ratio.

26 October 2020

Honeymoon offers and 1.99%; why it's important to look beyond the headline

If you’re familiar with us, you’ll know that at Squirrel we don’t like to pull punches so here goes. Heartland Bank came out with a staggering mortgage rate of 1.99% fixed for 1-year. Naturally everyone got excited, but what is it actually? Since then, no other banks have followed.