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31 July 2023

Uncertain times ahead for borrowers

To say that the track for inflation and therefore interest rates going forward is relatively unclear would be an understatement. The rises in bank borrowing costs here have prompted banks to raise their fixed mortgage rates another 0.25% or so in the past couple of months despite no new rise in the official cash rate. So what will happen to mortgage interest rates, and are we headed into uncertain territory?

19 July 2023

Are house prices "about right"?

Word on the street is that house prices have finally hit "sustainable" levels, after 18 months of significant falls. But are they really "about right"? Chief Squirrel, David Cunningham, digs into the data to tell us whether house prices really are where they need to be.

06 July 2023

Is FOMO creeping back into the housing market?

With a falling number of listings, booming immigration and an end to rising mortgage interest rates, is FOMO starting to creep back into the New Zealand housing market?

26 May 2023

RBNZ signals that the OCR has finally peaked. How will this affect the housing market?

The Reserve Bank have said that 5.50% is still as high as they think they will need to take the cash rate. So does that mean the housing market now suddenly picks up strongly straight away? Or will it sit flat for perhaps three years as a lot of people optimistically believe?

19 May 2023

New Zealand's housing market is edging closer to the turning point

Buyers have been waiting for two years now for prices to look more reasonable. With a record turnaround in net migration inflows to New Zealand, falling house prices, and high job security, is the market getting set for a better Spring?

04 May 2023

Job done: Why the monetary policy tightening cycle is over

We’re only 0.25% off the Reserve Bank’s (RBNZ’s) forecasted peak OCR – so will Kiwis be hit by other OCR hike, or have interest rates in New Zealand already peaked for this economic cycle?

02 May 2023

World Asthma Day: How banks are helping to support a healthier New Zealand

Here in Aotearoa, we have one of the highest rates of asthma, and death by asthma, of anywhere in the world - and it’s probably got something to do with the quality of our housing. Luckily, our four biggest banks have fantastic loan options on offer, that are designed specifically to help Kiwi homeowners fund improvements to their home (or rental property) to make it a healthier space, that’s better for the environment.

27 April 2023

FOMO vs FOOP: Are you missing out, or overpaying?

From June 1, the Reserve Bank will be easing up on lending rules. But will that, coupled with dropping house prices, be enough to turn buyers' fears of over-paying into a fear of missing out?

03 March 2023

Will investors follow first home buyers?

Investors largely remain concerned about interest rate levels and access to bank finance. So when will they return to the housing market, and what will be the catalyst?

17 February 2023

The endgame starts - again

I recall mentioning last year there was a good chance that the housing market would bottom out around the end of 2022 then stage a small recovery over 2023 with prices maybe rising by 5%. But then the inflation numbers came in.

02 February 2023

Reflections on the housing market: 2009 to today

Every now and then it is a good idea to sit back and remind ourselves of the big picture and how we got to where we are at the moment. For the NZ housing market, the story is this.

20 January 2023

Housing market weakening once again

We all underestimated the extent to which prices would rise when the pandemic struck in early-2020. Now, almost everyone has underestimated the extent to which prices, and sales, are heading down now that the pandemic is over and the inflation resulting from excess stimulus needs to be brought under control.