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10 March 2022

How to get yourself (and your finances) ready for a home loan

When it comes to your home loan application, getting your finances in tip-top shape will always be an important part of setting yourself up for success. And these tips are a great starting point.

02 February 2022

Credit crunch headwinds are blowing, and it could spell trouble for property investors

Caution is advised for property investors, as New Zealand starts to feel the impact of recent legislative and bank policy changes.

20 January 2022

Are we already in a credit crunch?

Lenders to consumers are having to take into account all potential changes in an applicant’s income and that is hitting people intending to take maternity/paternity leave along with those approaching retirement.

15 December 2021

Market update: Year-end brings mixed bag for borrowers and buyers, at the mercy of new lending restrictions

As 2021 draws to a close, it looks as though we may finally be starting to see that long-anticipated easing of the housing market come to fruition.

06 December 2021

Government law change will cause more harm than good for homeowners

Sign JB's petition. The Government has made changes to responsible lending laws to protect vulnerable borrowers, but they have used a sledge hammer instead of a scalpel. This is an example of over reach, and will cause far greater harm to Kiwi homeowners and small businesses than it will protect vulnerable borrowers.

17 November 2021

Everyday Kiwis forced to pay the price of Government’s new responsible lending laws

Let’s start with a question, should your bank have the right to judge the way you live? The Government has made law changes to protect vulnerable borrowers that come into effect on 2nd December, but that will have adverse consequences for homeowners and especially first homebuyers.

10 June 2021

Shock from the housing announcement wearing off

Whenever things like the global pandemic, the 2008-09 Global Financial Crisis, or tax policy alterations happen such as those announced on March 23, most of us can take a view on what the likely impact will be. Sometimes these views can be horribly wrong.

01 April 2021

Rule changes and house prices - what's going to happen?

On March 23 the government surprised everyone with some draconian changes in the ability of property investors to deduct interest expenses when calculating their tax obligations. Will we really see big changes which could stop house prices rising for an extended period as the government would like? No.

30 March 2021

Government policy, interest rates and house prices

This post will start with a little rant and then progress into trying to understand the downstream impacts of a big week for the housing market. Just in case you were under a rock this week, the government announced a major change in housing tax policy.

25 March 2021

Podcast: What does the Government's announcement mean for first home buyers?

Newsroom’s Alexia Russell sat down with Chief Squirrel JB to chat about what the Government's recent announcement means for first home buyers. Does it remove the stumbling blocks, or is it still hard as ever for young Kiwis to get onto the property ladder? Are there going to be any unintentional consequences?

23 March 2021

Policy proposals for housing

I was asked to give a radio interview last week on the topic of the Green Party’s policies which they believe will make a sustained difference in house prices. The timing was perfect as I was just about to put pen to paper for my latest column for Squirrel – so here are my thoughts.

15 October 2020

Migration and the rental scramble

It is now hard to believe that there could be more than a handful of people left in the country thinking the Covid-19 crisis will cause house prices to fall in New Zealand. So what's causing the demand? One thing mainly: the biggest net migration boom New Zealand has ever seen.