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19 October 2023

Why do banks keep doing this to savers?

Heartland Bank has launched a brand-spanking new savings product — the Digital Saver account. And with a 5.00%p.a. interest rate, it sounds pretty good. But there’s something kind of weird about Heartland launching this new account — so what's the deal, and is there a catch?

22 September 2023

When will ASB fall into line on mortgage rates?

Two New Zealand banks are sticking their necks out on the home loan rates front right now - one high, one low. Why? It all comes down to profit strategy. But in his latest article Chief Squirrel, David Cunningham, explains why the bank leading the pack is likely to need to rethink its "go high" strategy soon.

08 September 2023

Podcast: DC talks why interest rates move and the ComCom bank probe with

Chief Squirrel David Cunningham recently popped along to chat with's Gareth Vaughan on the Of Interest podcast. They talked all about interest rates, bank margins and the Commerce Commission's probe into competition in banking. Give the episode a listen here.

06 September 2023

New Zealand banks need to do right by their customers, and it starts with dropping mortgage rates

New Zealand is deep in a cost-of-living crisis, and those with mortgages are struggling. And yet amidst all of this, New Zealand banks are thriving – bringing in record profits. So, what’s the driver behind what the banks are doing with home loan rates?

30 August 2023

The game of risk vs. reward when it comes to investing into debt

When you hold money with a bank – be it in a transaction or savings account, or a term investment – it doesn’t just sit there. So, why won’t banks let you choose where your money goes, and are there other options to investing?

16 August 2023

Aussie bankers should be losing sleep over NZ’s housing market – but not for the reason they’d have you think

Bank margins in New Zealand are at record levels right now – higher than they’ve been in about 10 years. So why are headlines painting the image that bank margins are worryingly low?

01 August 2023

All eyes on interest rates: Key OCR dates for 2023/2024

As New Zealand holds its collective breath, waiting for interest rates to start falling again, here are the key OCR announcement dates you need in your diary for 2023 and 2024.

28 July 2023

The RBNZ signalled we were done – so why are mortgage rates still going up?

New Zealand banks have increased their fixed mortgage rates by about 0.25% over the last few weeks - despite the latest signal from the RBNZ being that hikes are (likely) done and dusted. So, what's that all about?

11 July 2023

Opinion: The RBNZ’s next move will be a rate cut - and to say otherwise is ludicrous

Back on 24th May, Adrian Orr said OCR hikes had done their job, and we'd hit the peak. So why then, six weeks later, are wholesale markets predicting we'll need another OCR hike, maybe two, in order to get inflation truly under control? Chief Squirrel, David Cunningham, shares his thoughts on this, and explains why he's pretty sure the wholesale markets have got it wrong.

07 July 2023

A big test of New Zealand's banking oligopoly

Earlier this week, one of NZ's big banks hiked its fixed term interest rates to levels that (many believe) are totally unjustified by current market conditions - and copped plenty of criticism for what was deemed nothing more than a "profit grab". Despite that negative reaction, a number of our other major banks have now followed suit. So, is that all the proof we need of the banking oligopoly in New Zealand? Chief Squirrel, David Cunningham, certainly thinks so.

16 June 2023

Market update: And with that, it's official

The Reserve Bank said it'd take get us here, and with the latest GDP figures released this week, New Zealand is officially in recession. In his latest market update, JB shares his thoughts on what's to come in the economy, and with interest rates and the wider housing market.

14 June 2023

Calling all HSBC customers: Home loan now homeless?

Squirrel is offering a free* refinancing service for HSBC customers impacted by the bank's plan to exit the New Zealand retail banking market.