Search results: Tony Alexander

With over three decades of experience closely watching and reporting on the New Zealand economy, Tony’s the go-to guy when it comes to the inner workings of the economy, and how it affects every day New Zealanders. After leaving the corporate world in 2019, Tony started writing independently, regularly surveying professionals in the industry, and putting together updates that are easily digestible for home buyers, businesses and investors. Catch him on our blog every month.

14 October 2022

House price falls are slowing

We can unequivocally say that house prices are going down, but the pace of decline in house prices is slowing. When will house prices bottom out?

06 October 2022

Another increase to the OCR as monetary policy continues to tighten

The Reserve Bank met expectations this week with another 0.5% increase in the official cash rate so it now sits at 3.5% compared with the record low just over a year ago of 0.25%.

28 September 2022

Interest rate outlook sours

It is somewhat ironic that at the same time as we are seeing first home buyers return to the market and investors pricking up their ears, prospects for interest rates have worsened.

16 September 2022

The return of the first home buyer

While there may be a shift underway in the minds of first home buyers, will the turning of the cycle be as swift going back as it was going back down?

31 August 2022

The endgame is upon us

While housing markets move in cycles, there is something very different about this downward leg of the housing cycle. But with the endgame upon us, will house prices stop falling?

19 August 2022

Monetary policy tightening – sort of

Changes made to the official cash rate strongly affect floating mortgage rates, but when it comes to fixed rates it is expectations for what will happen with monetary policy that truly matter.

04 August 2022

Three big factors behind softening house prices set to ease by the end of this year

I’ve just released the results of my latest survey and the numbers are not much changed from where they were at the end of June. Buyers remain in the shadows and prices are falling all around the country.

25 July 2022

No recovery for the housing market yet – but seeds are being sown

On average over the past decade there have been around 81,000 dwellings sold each year all around New Zealand, but the way things are tracking we look set to see a fall to around 65,000 within the coming year. How will we know when things are going to turn around?

07 July 2022

Have we entered the end game for falling prices?

I saw a newspaper headline recently along the lines that house prices have now bottomed out because some banks have cut their two year fixed mortgage interest rates. But interest rates aren't the only factor causing house prices to go down.

22 June 2022

The housing cycle has accelerated

Independent Economist Tony Alexander gives us a breakdown of what is happening in financial markets and the housing market.

09 June 2022

Vendors not backing down as house prices fall

When will house prices stop falling? No-one knows. But it looks like we are quite a long way off the bottom being reached for a number of reasons.

26 May 2022

The house construction cycle explained

Development companies have been recently finding that client enquiries are falling away. People can see prices falling so will naturally feel the longer they wait perhaps the cheaper the construction cost will be.