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08 February 2014

Mortgage rate strategies 2014

The Reserve Bank kept the Official Cash Rate (OCR) unchanged at its last announcement on the 30th January but is widely expected to increase the rate at its next meeting on the 13th March.

02 September 2013

Mortgage rate forecast - Why they will stay low

Whilst economists and most commentators are talking up rates I’m going to provide a different perspective.

16 June 2013

Money and investing - A bigger picture on property

A lot has been happening the past few weeks that has impacts for property and investors. There is so much going on, it is hard to bridge the gap between macro and micro factors affecting property.

18 February 2013

What's up with mortgage rates

Let's start with wholesale interest rates, technically referred to as swap rates. Swap rates have been increasing since December.

24 June 2012

Mortgage Rates | Where to from here?

With wholesale interest rates tracking as low as they are, and ongoing ructions in Europe, there is plenty of keen discussion on interest rates.

05 March 2012

Mortgage Rates | The low down on what's up

For years now I've ranted and raved about mortgage rates. One of the reoccurring themes is that mortgage rates are strongly influenced by household behaviour - "fear."

23 July 2011

Rate forecast: Can you hear the interest rate tom-toms?

I write this article a day after the consumer price index (CPI) inflation rate came out at 5.3% and already you can hear the beat of the interest rate tom-toms.

30 January 2011

Property Market Update - February 2011

2011 is shaping up to be an interesting year. In my opinion mortgage rates don't need to increase and the Auckland property market (at least for first home buyers) seems to be growing in confidence.

09 September 2010

Banking and the jaws of death

The "Jaws of Death" is how accountants affectionately describe declining revenue and increasing costs. You would never guess that this is the reality facing our banks.

31 July 2010

Prediction: Bank economist vs Pikelet the pig

On Campbell Live tonight they were searching for an animal to be our oracle for the Rugby World Cup. My vote is for Pikelet the pig. That got me thinking.

17 July 2010

Mortgage Rates | Forecast after July OCR

My personal view is the official cash rate (OCR) should not increase.

08 June 2010

NZ Property | Where to for house prices?

Will property prices fall in New Zealand? Is now a good time to buy? Is property a good investment and where should I buy? My overarching view of property is that it is a great investment because of long-term population growth, desirability and scarcity.