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21 September 2016

How do I pay my loan off faster?

Here's how you can pay off your loan faster, instead of waiting in fear for the return of the interest rate.

27 July 2016

Why Auckland house prices aren’t 3 times income

Whilst I fully agree that house prices are over-inflated, I don’t think it’s to the extent that this ratio suggests.

17 July 2016

Bigger than BREXIT

The Global Financial Crisis in 2008 was centred on the world having too much debt and yet today there is even more debt and more inequality.

08 July 2016

What do I need to know about interest-only loans?

With so many people choosing to go interest-only, you might be asking yourself why it's proving so popular. Here's what you need to know about this method of financing: both the pros, and the cons.

22 June 2016

Is the amount I'm borrowing manageable?

With interest rates now being as low as they have been in years, there are a huge number of people deciding to take advantage and purchase their first or next homes.

13 March 2016

Will consumerism kill the goose? | The global debt crisis

So much stimulus, and yet no growth and negligible inflation. Lowering interest rates to entice people to borrow and spend is not a sustainable strategy.

13 March 2016

Mortgage rate forecast for 2016

The official cash rate (OCR) fell this week to 2.25% - it's lowest level since it's introduction in 1999. It is dropping because we have negligible inflation, the dairy sector is in trouble, and our currency is too strong.

06 January 2016

Adviser insight: Is Auckland going to go down?

After nearly five years here at Squirrel, mortgage adviser Lindsay Hill has a lot of experience getting people to where they need to be in the property market.

13 December 2015

Should I fix now (even if I need to break a fixed mortgage)?

Some bank economists are talking of further rates cuts so there shouldn't be a rush to fix just yet. I think now is the right time to be fixing your mortgage on to longer term fixed rates.

14 October 2015

Is this the end of fiat money?

Flat money is paper money that comes into existence by government law. It is not valued to any ‘objective standard’ to say a commodity like gold or silver, so governments can produce as much money as they like. When you hear the expression ‘printing money’ that’s what is being referred to.

08 October 2015

Auckland property and mortgage update

Mortgage interest rates are set to stay low for the foreseeable future but I think they are very much now at their lowest point.

07 April 2015

Why I'd fix for 3 years

The Auckland housing market has predictably heated up again this year off the back of strong immigration, low interest rates, and rampant speculation.