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02 August 2009

How to use revolving credit

At Squirrel we give away all of our advice for free. Either we are stupid or we think you'll appreciate it and still work with us anyway.

21 June 2009

Investment property snake oil

I'm so excited... Making money is easy! Yeah, right!

21 June 2009

Why short-term mortgage rates are best

The Reserve Bank has committed (as much as it can) to holding rates low for the foreseeable future and why wouldn't they?

12 April 2009

Is it worth breaking my fixed rate?

The fee is called a “mark-to-market” fee and is hidden in the small print of all bank mortgage documents. It is a calculated fee that is based on the size of the mortgage, how far interest rates have fallen since it was fixed, and its remaining fixed term when it is repaid.

10 April 2009

What to Make of "Leaky Building" Syndrome

As a first time buyer, you should be very wary of purchasing a monolithic/stucco-clad home which has been built in the last 15 or so years.

10 April 2009

What to look out for when buying older homes

All styles of home suffer with their own set of problems that can lead to expensive repair bills.

10 April 2009

Buying a property - use a due diligence clause

Buying a house is an exciting and frightening thing. Exciting for all the obvious reasons but frightening, too.

10 April 2009

Do you need an LAQC for your rental property?

To determine the answer to this, you need to know the two main differences between owning your rental property in your personal name and owning your rental property in an LAQC

26 March 2009

Don't panic about rates!

Stop, breathe deeply, think. If you haven't fixed yet ... don't panic.

24 February 2009

Long-term mortgage rates have bottomed

The five-year rate may struggle to get below 6.50%. Our logic? For a five-year mortgage rate of 5.95% the bank has to find an investor prepared to invest for five years at 3.50%. There are not many people prepared to do that!

14 February 2009

Mortgage survival on one income

We can’t solve baby brain, but we can help restructure your mortgage finances.

22 September 2008

A simple investment strategy

In the absence of providing advice, I thought I'd let you into my world and what I'm saying to my own parents who are semi-retired.