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07 May 2010

Mortgage Rates | Rates on the increase

Short-term fixed mortgage rates have started to increase in anticipation of a June increase in the official cash rate, which now looks almost certain.

30 April 2010

Mortgage rates | OCR unchanged at 2.50%

As expected the official cash rate (OCR) remained unchanged today. Better still, Big Al (the "Gov") left the door open to not start pushing rates up until later in the year.

21 March 2010

Renting versus buying first home

Does it make sense to keep renting, or are you in a position to buy? Buying your first home will almost always make better sense than renting.

24 February 2010

Two simple ways to take 10 years off your mortgage

When you first eyeball your mortgage it can seem scary. You’re borrowing a hell of a lot of money and the realisation dawns that it might take 25 years to pay off.

24 February 2010

Stretching yourself into a big mortgage

I share my view on stretching yourself into a big mortgage. Worth it or not?

12 January 2010

Is 2010 a good time to buy property?

If buying a property is one of your goals in 2010 then an obvious first step is to get a mortgage pre-approval in place or figure out what you need to get one done.

05 January 2010

Starting a family and your mortgage

If you are starting a family or have a young family then the mortgage is quite probably your biggest financial challenge, especially if you are reduced to one income.

05 January 2010

Removing the Ex from the Mortgage

Relationship splits make up a surprisingly large part of what we do.

13 November 2009

Tough borrowing rules impact property investors

The rules have changed. Today, income is a major factor in bank lending criteria.

10 November 2009

Paying the deposit on your purchase

Have you bought a property but you don’t have the deposit available?

13 September 2009

Creating a "fixed for life" mortgage

Too many homeowners are preoccupied with mortgage rates when they should be focused on repaying their debt as fast as possible.

05 September 2009

When is a good time to buy my first home?

There is no shortage of people with opinions on the property market! When it comes to buying your first home and getting your first mortgage when is the "right" time?