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29 March 2022

Squirrel rate increase delivers even higher returns for investors

We come bearing good news, investors! As of the 21st March 2022, the rate of return across two of our Investment Classes – Home Loans and Construction Loans – has increased by 0.25%.

25 February 2022

Market update: Is a recession just around the corner?

As Kiwi businesses and consumers are left to grapple with a nasty cocktail of inflation and higher interest rates, there will be a raft of implications for our economy.

25 February 2022

With recession comes opportunity – A potential silver lining for buyers in the housing market

As Kiwis grapple with the double whammy of higher interest rates and high inflation, there’s no doubt people are starting to feel the pinch. Could current economic pressures lead to a drop in house prices?

01 November 2021

Updated NZ mortgage rate forecast for 2022

In last year’s mortgage rate forecast, we predicted rates would drop below 2.00% and stay low, which they did for most of 2021. Our house price prediction wasn't so on the money, but that one comes down to a matter of timing. Here's our latest analysis.

28 October 2021

Is it better to fix or float your home loan?

In this article we’re looking at how to pick the right fixed home loan rate term in a rising interest rate environment.

07 October 2021

A different truth about house prices

I love property. Early last year I wrote that I thought we were going into the last great property boom based on ultra-low interest rates and the increasing importance of having a home in the post COVID world.

23 September 2021

The big difference between buying a home in 2008 and buying a home in 2021

My own experience of two first home buyers 13 years apart shows that servicing hasn’t changed all that much. It's as hard today as it was 13 years ago. But what it doesn’t show is the sizeable part of our population that are locked out of the housing market altogether.

20 August 2021

Delay in monetary policy tightening may boost housing

I recently wrote about the end-game being underway for the three decade period of high average house price rises. I still remain of that view, but for now the market retains considerable strength.

11 August 2021

Multiple factors contributing to a slower housing market

There are a growing number of factors in play which suggest that while demand for housing will remain firm, we've entered the end game for the period of strong house price rises well exceeding the rate of growth in household incomes.

23 July 2021

Higher interest rates will slow but not crush NZ economic growth

Two week’s ago expectations for interest rate changes in New Zealand took a leap up in response to the June quarter inflation number coming in 0.5% higher than anticipated. This is a very rare event and the signal it has sent is that the pace of growth in our economy is too strong for the Reserve Bank to be confident of containing inflation below 3%.

15 July 2021

Mortgage rates on the rise

The world has been printing money for several years, in anticipation of inflation and interest rates eventually rising. Neither of those happened. But the short-term has changed.

27 May 2021

Housing market still supported by low interest rates this year

Two weeks ago, I wrote on the theme that young buyers will probably hold back from the residential real estate market until they see older investors returning – then they too will return. Evidence for this has already been shown from my surveys.