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24 May 2024

Over and out: What scrapping the Kāinga Ora First Home Grant means for first home buyers

It's official. Kāinga Ora's First Home Grant scheme has got the cut, in favour of dedicating more funds to social housing. So what does the move mean for first home buyers?

25 April 2024

Property investors reveal their top concerns

Despite hopes of interest rate declines, booming population growth, and changes in tax rules, fewer investors are looking to make another property purchase. So why is this the case?

31 January 2024

Buyers are keen — but is it rush hour yet?

With most people now back at work and the kids back at school, passage of time away from the election and pre-Xmas hassles will likely start encouraging more people to give thought to buying or selling a house. But can we see evidence yet that a new wave of buyers is coming through?

14 November 2023

Rodney's Ravings: Why it's too early to get excited about rising house prices

If all the latest headlines are to be believed, we're in for a big comeback in house prices over the next 12 months or so. But when it comes to the question of "to buy or not to buy?", Squirrel guest blogger Rodney Dickens reckons the numbers don't quite stack up in favour of a house price surge just yet.

09 November 2023

Is time working against first home buyers?

With good job security and sizeable deposits, first home buyers have jumped boots and all into the housing market since early this year. But with extra buyers set to appear in the near future, is time working against first home buyers?

24 October 2023

National is back in the game — but are property investors?

With National back in government, we can anticipate the return of interest expense deductibility and no-fault tenancy terminations. But will this also bring a surge of property investors with them, and if so, what will this mean for first home buyers?

01 September 2023

How saving with Squirrel could get you into your first home faster

If you've been working hard to get to that 20% house deposit, you'll want to make sure your savings are working as hard as possible, to get you into your first home even faster.

30 August 2023

First home buyers: Ways to get into your own home with just a 5% deposit

Lenders will usually require you to front up with a deposit of 20% of the purchase price for an existing property – 10% if it’s a new build – before they’ll consider giving you a mortgage on it. If you’ve been saving hard only to have your deposit goal feel like it’s getting further out of reach – or you just don’t want to have to wait years and years (and years) to get into your first home – there are options out there.

03 March 2023

Will investors follow first home buyers?

Investors largely remain concerned about interest rate levels and access to bank finance. So when will they return to the housing market, and what will be the catalyst?

11 November 2022

NZ property market remains in a slump as interest rates continue to rise

Do we have any evidence in hand of the impact on the residential real estate market yet of the recent round of fixed mortgage rate increases undertaken by banks? Yes, we do.

14 October 2022

House price falls are slowing

We can unequivocally say that house prices are going down, but the pace of decline in house prices is slowing. When will house prices bottom out?

06 October 2022

A Squirrel case study: Charlie & Kyle

In this case study, we sat down with Auckland first home buyer, Charlie, to chat about her (and partner Kyle's) journey to home ownership with us.